
Role Definitions:

  • AWS Admin - Responsible for the AWS account including access control, security, and costs.
  • Speaker - Primary facilitator for the presentation although all members of your team MUST talk in your presentation at the end of class. The Speaker does the Intro, most of the talking in a lot of cases, and the Q&A facilitation.
  • Scribe - Track all challenges, all changes, all of the aspects of the project and is responsible for making sure the Git repo at the end of the project has all of the required artifacts listed above.

Project Link:

Team Presentation Link:

  • BAH CE Team One Presentation

Team AWS Account Console:


  1. Team Demo

GitHub Link:


To Do:

1. Tuesday January 18, 2022:
    a. ✅ Decide on team member roles
    b. ✅ Get AWS account login info from course instructors
    c. ✅ Decide how to complete the work:
        Who will do the work, when, divide and conquer or together?
        Michael Forrester: Teams will have at least 1 hour per class time for working with our team (do labs outside of class time). The last week of the course we will have the full class time to work together.
        ✅ Thursday night let’s start together and take notes.
2.Thursday January 20, 2022:
    a. ✅ Go through the Serverless project exactly step by step as written
        What issues and pitfalls are we running into? Installing AWS CLI on Windows
        Discuss what needs to be changed to meet the project requirements
        Discuss what to make it better/prettier?
        Use GitHub instead of AWS CodeCommit
        Customize background pictures/words (Unicorns -> Tesla rides, rhinos, moose, hockey?). Each modification in a different branch.
        Also, submit this Google document as a Readme file
        Discuss what to change in the code to practice code commiting and deploying.
        Go through the Serverless project again, with modifications, substituting technologies and different pictures/words as desired/necessary
3. Figure out what to put on GitHub.
  1. Notes/Pitfalls: Tip from Michael: If we use GitHub, there is no “master” branch. Instead, it is the “main” branch.