
Simple grade analytics program for HKUST.

Primary LanguageJava

Code Execution

Our build system is Gradle.

Running the Application

Create a runnable JAR as follows:

For Mac/Unix:

./gradlew dist

For Windows:

.\gradlew.bat dist

The runnable application JAR can be found under build/libs.

If double-clicking on the JAR does not bring up anything, your Java environment may be misconfigured. Try to run it from the command line in the build/libs directory:

java -jar GradeAnalytics-1.0.jar

Alternatively, grab the latest build here.


From Course History

Copy all the entries from SIS's Course History to a file.

Manual Formatting

The program can also take information from a formatted file, in the format below per row:

Department;Course Code;Course Title;Grade;Credits;Is Major Course or Not (true or false); Semester

Effectively, this is a CSV file separated by semicolons instead of commas.

A sample line would be as follows:

COMP;1021;Introduction to Computer Science;A+;3;true;21-22 Fall