
A visual dataflow programming system for journalists

Primary LanguagePython

Build status


A visual dataflow programming system for journalists. More at on the public server!

To set up a development environment:

  • Requires Python 3.5 or greater. I recommend Anaconda.
  • Install npm
  • git clone this repo with submodules: git clone --recursive https://github.com/jstray/cjworkbench.git
  • pip install -r requirements.txt to install Python packages
  • pip install -r requirements-dev.txt to install packages required for development
  • npm install to install JavaScript packages
  • python manage.py migrate to initialize the database
  • python manage.py createsuperuser or you won't be able to login

If you get a message about missing Chartbuilder (probably when running webpack), check that there are files in /chartbuilder/chartbuilder and /chartbuilder/chartbuilder-ui. You may have missed the --recursive above when cloning. Fix that with git submodule update --init --recursive

To run:

  • python manage.py runserver to start the Django server. It will automatically recompile any .py file you edit.
  • The first time you run, or when modules have changed, browse to to load module definitions (needed on first run, or when modules changed)

Go to to list available workflows.

To develop:

  • ./watchjs to compile JS and CSS whenever changed
  • python manage.py test for back end tests
  • npm test for front end tests