
A Handy Script for Finding Website Directories using Wordlists

Primary LanguagePython


A Handy Script for Finding Website Directories using Wordlists

Installation :

From pip :

pip3 install oxbuster

From source :

git clone https://github.com/0x68616469/oxbuster/

Requirements :

oxansi oxflags (downloaded automatically with pip)

Arguments :

Option Description Default
-u --url Choose Target URL
-w --wordlist WordList path
-o --output Write in output path False
-v --verbose Verbose mode False
-f --full-url Print the entire URL False
-t --target Choose Target Status Code 200
-s --suffix Suffix (.html/.php...) None
-sl --show-length Print content length False
-fl --filter-length Filter by content length False
-ro --robots-txt Search for robots.txt False

Example :

oxbuster -u localhost:8080 -w wordlist.txt

result :


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