NodeJS Trustless authentication system

This is a sample implementation of authentication system without storing user's password in the database. This authentication system is built using NuID. NuID leverages zero knowledge cryptography and distributed ledger technology that enables users the ability to not trust any system to store their passwords.

Install packages:

npm install

Start server:

npm run start

Testing APIs

Open the file. This file has sample request examples guiding you to use the authentication system. If you have the visual studio's Rest.Client plugin, you can directly send the requests by clicking on the Send Request button at the top of every API call listed.

How does this truly work?

The trustless authentication system has 2 parts to it:

User Signup:

  • User enters his details such as emailid and password and signs up.
  • The user password is used to create a onetime verifyable secret.
  • An API call is made to create user credentails on Nu.ID portal. The credentails API gives back an ID called Nu.ID
  • The user's email and id is stored in the system.

User login:

  • User enters his email and password.
  • Retrieve user's Nu.Id (public id) from his email and obtain nuid.credential.challenge/jwt.
  • Decode this JWT to get the challenge value
  • Use the password and challenge to obtain proof
  • Hit /verifyProof to confirm it is the right user. If the password is correct, the API returns a success response.
  • Once user is verified create a session using users Nu.Id for further authentication to the APIs.

Note that the secret used for credential creation and proof created when the user tries to login should be obtained from client side. This way, we are avoiding making any API calls to the server with the user's password and hence mitigating the risk of a potential breech.