
Gets transactions as CSV and other data from Viseca One

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Little helper to get transactions from Viseca One and print them in CSV format.


While the "auth w/o browser" method is a very comfortable way to get the transactions, it has a higher risk to error due to changes to the auth flow of Viseca One. If it fails, try the "auth w/ browser" method.

Auth w/o browser

This method processes the auth flow in the CLI and will trigger a 2FA request like the login in a browser would.

  1. Log in to one.viseca.ch

  2. Go to "Transaktionen" on one.viseca.ch

  3. Save the card ID from the path (between /v1/card/ and /transactions)

  4. export VISECA_CLI_USERNAME=<email>
    export VISECA_CLI_PASSWORD=<password>
    go run cmd/viseca-cli/main.go transactions <cardID>

Auth w/ browser

This method requires a valid session cookie obtained from an authenticated browser session.

  1. Log in to one.viseca.ch

  2. Open the developer tools of your browser and navigate to the network tab

  3. Go to "Transaktionen" on one.viseca.ch

  4. Filter the URLs in the network tab of the developer tools for transactions

  5. Save the card ID from the path (between /v1/card/ and /transactions) to an env file (see examples)

  6. Save the session cookie (AL_SESS-S=AAAAAA...) to an env file (see examples)

  7. source .env
    go run main.go "$VISECA_CARD" "$VISECA_SESS" > data/export.csv

Example .env


Example Output



Known issues

The API returns 500 Internal Server Error without any additional information when a request doesn't meet the API requirements.

Large page sizes (e.g. 1000) lead to an error.

API Output

    "totalCount": 1,
    "list": [
            "transactionId": "AUTH8c919db2-1c23-43f1-8862-61c31336d9b6",
            "cardId": "0000000AAAAA0000",
            "maskedCardNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXXX0000",
            "cardName": "Mastercard",
            "date": "2021-10-20T17:05:44",
            "showTimestamp": true,
            "amount": 50.55,
            "currency": "CHF",
            "originalAmount": 50.55,
            "originalCurrency": "CHF",
            "merchantName": "Aldi Suisse 00",
            "prettyName": "ALDI",
            "merchantPlace": "",
            "isOnline": false,
            "pfmCategory": {
                "id": "cv_groceries",
                "name": "Lebensmittel",
                "lightColor": "#E2FDD3",
                "mediumColor": "#A5D58B",
                "color": "#51A127",
                "imageUrl": "https://api.one.viseca.ch/v1/media/categories/icon_with_background/ic_cat_tile_groceries_v2.png",
                "transparentImageUrl": "https://api.one.viseca.ch/v1/media/categories/icon_without_background/ic_cat_tile_groceries_v2.png"
            "stateType": "authorized",
            "details": "Aldi Suisse 00",
            "type": "merchant",
            "isBilled": false,
            "links": {
                "transactiondetails": "/v1/card/0000000AAAAA0000/transaction/AUTH8c919db2-1c23-43f1-8862-61c31336d9b6"