Recently, neovim removed the :LspInstall
function. It made it really easy to install language servers for its built in lsp, so I'm making a replacement!
You can install nvim-lspinstall with any neovim package manager.
Plug 'anott03/nvim-lspinstall'
These are the langauges we plan/hope support. It's the same list that was on the lspconfig github page.
- als
- angularls
- bashls
- ccls
- clangd
- clojure_lsp
- cmake
- codeqlls
- cssls
- dartls
- denols
- dhall_lsp_server
- diagnosticls
- dockerls
- efm
- elixirls
- elmls
- flow
- fortls
- gdscript
- ghcide
- gopls
- groovyls
- hie
- hls
- html
- intelephense
- jdtls
- jedi_language_server
- jsonls
- julials
- kotlin_language_server
- leanls
- metals
- nimls
- ocamlls
- ocamllsp
- omnisharp
- perlls
- purescriptls
- pyls
- pyls_ms
- pyright (not working)
- r_language_server
- rls
- rnix
- rome
- rust_analyzer
- scry
- solargraph
- sorbet
- sourcekit
- sqlls
- sumneko_lua
- svelte
- terraformls
- texlab
- tsserver
- vimls
- vuels
- yamlls
- zls