
laravel 4 springboard that will be used for any type of projects including complex once

Primary LanguagePHP

Springboard Application

Installation Guide :

During active development session, some non-update configuration that load non-exists service-provider or packages could stop unexpectedly composer update command when you try to synchronize your local repository.

If this happening while you pull new code from this repo, you could execute :

cd /path/to/meetings

# Delete all previous lock and vendor
rm composer.lock
rm vendor -r

# Install fresh
php composer.phar install

# In unix environment, these additional steps may needed
chmod 777 app/storage/meta -R
sudo service apache2 restart

How to install this application.

1. Clone this repository, then simply execute :

curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install