
A NoSQL database built on Gensys-go's Shadow Drive.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sqlana Store 🐘


For ages storing data in accounts was a pain. You had to create a new account type for each new data type you wanted to store, you had to pay for each account and it was expensive(something like 9000 bytes = 0.02 sol/0.6 USD). That's where Store. Store leverages the genesys go's network which is cheap and fast(1GB = 0.8 USD) to create NoSQL Db structure of database, collections and documents. Using this sdk you can easily use shadow drive as a db for your dapp.


Demo video


  • insert document into collection
  • insert collection
  • get collection
  • update collection
  • create database
  • list database
  • create document
  • get collection with filter
  • get document with filter
  • update document
  • delete collection
  • delete document


full docs coming soon

Initialize the SDK

const client = new SqlanaStore({
  network: network, // can be cluster or custom rpc url

Create new Database

await client.getDrive(); // initialise shadow drive

const db = await client.createDatabase({
  name: "solana_quotes",
  size: 1,
  unit: "MB",
}); // creates database

Once you create a database initialise the client with the database storage account key so it can be accessed

await client.initClient("7ihYQdkxeWcJEGJwb1wc7mYhJho2bdGE6D7x6RE3Nq4Q");

Create new collection

await client.initClient("7ihYQdkxeWcJEGJwb1wc7mYhJho2bdGE6D7x6RE3Nq4Q"); // initialise client with database key and shadow drive
const collection = await client.createCollection(
  "7ihYQdkxeWcJEGJwb1wc7mYhJho2bdGE6D7x6RE3Nq4Q", // db key, will remove requirement in future

Get collection

await client.initClient("7ihYQdkxeWcJEGJwb1wc7mYhJho2bdGE6D7x6RE3Nq4Q"); // this is a common step you d it only once just adding in here so it doesnt get missed

const { collection } = await client.getCollection("quotes");

Create document

const doc = await client.createDocument("quotes", {