
dailyflightdeal.com - get flight deals emailed daily at your choice of time for the city of your choice

Primary LanguagePython


Flight Email Scrapper

  • base flight classes are in emailscrappers
  • each parser is its own class (see Secretflying and TheFLightDeal as examples)
  • flight_email.py has working example on how to scrape and send emails using the new classes


  • The frontend is written in React

  • The index.js calls App.js which will contain all the necessary components. Create each new component separately and import into App.js

  • To run the frontend go into react-flightscrapper folder and run npm start

  • The react build file is uploaded to S3 and hosted there


  • The backend is written in Python using Chalice
  • Chalice uploads all functions to AWS API gateway and creates corresponding lambdas's