Exam Scheduler

Exam Scheduler is an automation of planning the exams calendar, invigilators arrangements, efficient use of exam halls & classrooms and proper management of students & their issues. With the automation of Exams scheduling on a website not only students can find an interface for the solutions and necessary information regarding their upcoming exams but teachers and technical staff related to exam department can easily manage their work because of connectivity of all the entities on a single platform and ease of access to all of them. Making alterations in events, handling emergency situations at both teachers or students ends and updating information at respective portals, in short, overall automation of all exam scheduling tasks leads to accurate and time efficient approach.


Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/anovius/Exam-Scheduler.git

Go to the project directory

  cd Exam-Scheduler

Install dependencies for frontend

  cd client
  npm install

Start the client

  npm run start
  goto http://localhost:3000

Tech Stack

MERN Stack

Client: React JS

Server: Node, Express

Database: MongoDB

Development Team
