Yii2 Theme Mazer


php: >=7
yii2: *
yii2-bootstrap5: *


this theme has 2 layout options, mainx (horizontal) and mainy (vertical).

'layout' => 'mainy', // or 'mainx'
'components' => [
	'assetManager' => [
		'forceCopy' => !YII_ENV_PROD,
		'linkAssets' => true,
		'appendTimestamp' => true,
	'view' => [
		'theme' => [
			'pathMap' => [
				'@app/views' => [

by default it is using dark theme, to use light theme only do this:

'assetManager' => [
	'bundles' => [
		\yii2\theme\mazer\MainAsset::class => [
			'css' => [

to override views, copy and paste (copas) file from ./vendor/anovsiradj/yii2-theme-mazer/views to ./views/.

for example, override main_sidebar.php. copas from ./vendor/anovsiradj/yii2-theme-mazer/views/main_sidebar.php to ./views/main_sidebar.php.


# clone this repo
git clone ...

# create fresh yii2-app-basic for testing
composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic

cd yii2-theme-mazer

npm install
# npm update --save-dev --dev

# must in this order, cause webpack-mix is broken.
npm run prod
npm run test

# create a release
git tag 1.0.0
git push origin dev
git push --tags

add this to ./config/web.php:

	'controllerMap' => [
		'mazer' => \yii2\theme\mazer\TestController::class,

add this to ./composer.json:

"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "../yii2-theme-mazer",
        "options": {
            "symlink": true

then visit localhost/yii2-app-basic/mazer/index