
Verilog examples

Primary LanguageSystemVerilog

RISC-V cheatsheet: https://itnext.io/risc-v-instruction-set-cheatsheet-70961b4bbe8

RISC-V spec: https://riscv.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/riscv-calling.pdf

Verilog intros:


  • Verilog creates an electronic circuit
    • a module is like a chip
    • logic/reg are flipflops to store data
    • wires are literal wires
    • inputs/outputs are the corresponding input/output wires of a module
    • if and case are mapped to mux
    • arith and logic expressions are mapped to circuits
  • always_comb just creates a static circuit to reflect the logic
    • it is not time based: the status of the registry/wires is static based on the values in the input
  • always_ff creates a time-based circuit.
    • Notice the conditions are evaluated in time t, but the assignments happen in t+1, for example, given:
      if (reset) x <= y
      then the update (x <= y) will happen at t+1, if at time t reset is on
    • t is the state right before clock positive edge, t+1 are the values after the clock is high again:
                t           |        t + 1

Instructions on how to use Verilator

See: https://itsembedded.com/dhd/verilator_1/

  • Namely:
    • Create verilog file (.sv)
    • Create main driver (testbed) in C++
      • Driver create instance of DUT
      • Updates signals
      • Collects traces
      • Dumps traces into waveform file
    • Use verilog to compile into C++
    • Use gcc to compile into executable
    • Run make (Makefile has all build/run instructions)
    • Use gtkwave to visualize trace (waveform)

Instructions to burn blinky into FPGA

Based on https://github.com/nesl/ice40_examples

  • Install tools:
    • Install yosys (synthesize)
    • arachne-pnr (place and route)
    • IceStorm (convert to bitstream)
    • Install Alchitry Labs (https://alchitry.com/alchitry-labs) on Windows to get Alchitry Loader (to upload .bin file into board)
  • Copied blinky from ice40_examples
  • Run make (Makefile has all build/run instructions)
  • Opened Alchitry Loader from Windows, uploaded to CU from there.


  • RST button is 0 when pressed, and 1 when not.