Bottle valuation tool. This tool scrapes historic pricing data and creates and easy to read chart to track trends.

Filters: There are three filter options to control the chart data as often times a slight variation in a whiskey's release or vintage can 
disrupt the valuation. To prevent an incorrect vintage from making its way to the final chart, there are filter options which include 
1) Manual, 2) Auto and 3) Off.

  To include "Manual" or "Auto" filters, uncomment the corresponding function definition and function call. Also, make sure the constant global 
  variable titled "NAME_OF_BOTTLE" is uncommented and there is a string inserted with the bottle you are searching for. Manual filter will present each 
  bottle to you and allow you to include or exclude in your dataframe. Auto will automatically filter the data based on the variable "NAME_OF_BOTTLE".

Exchange Rate: The website being scrapped is located overseas and uses the currency "British Pounds". This program includes an exchange rate converter
which can be used manually or auto converted. To manually convert, include the exchange rate as a variable assigned to "x-rate" which will accept an
integer or floating point value. The auto-convert feature will pull the current exchange rate via an api call. To use the auto convert feature you will
need and sign up for an api key at and insert your key into the "headers" dictionary within the function named "get_xrate".