Frogger Classic Arcade Game - Udacity

udacity - front end web development nanodegree


This project aimed to learn and practice the concepts of Object Oriented Javascript.

See Udacity's official rubric for this project:!/c-ud015/l-3072058665/m-3072588797

Targeted Skills:

  • object-oriented Javascript
  • constructor functions
  • prototypal inheritance
  • HTML5 Canvas API
  • resource loading via immediately-invoked function expressions (IIFE)


To run the application:

If you want to use it, simply clone or download this repository and open the index.html file in your favourite browser.

You can also play here.

How to play:

  • Player must collect gems and reach the water in order to collect points. Each item has a different value:

    • water: 30 points
    • orange gem: 25 points
    • blue gem: 50 points
    • green gem: 75 points
  • You must avoid bugs, otherwise you'll die. You have three lives on start but can collect more as they appear.