
A C++ REST client. Make readable HTTP requests

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status


The api might change as the library is in pre-alpha stage. If you find any bugs please open an issue.


Restless is a simple REST client for C++, powered by curl.


You can use your project's existing build system to compile all the files in src directory and link to your project.

To use this all you need to do is add

#include <restless.hpp>

// for a more readable name
using Http = asoni::Handle;


 * A simple get request

auto res1 = Http().get("http://httpbin.org/get")

 * A get request with basic auth and a custom header

auto res2 = Http().get("http://httpbin.org/get", "password-for-basic-auth")
            .header({{"Hello", "This is a header"}, {"Second","Another header"}})

 * A post request with basic auth
auto post1 = Http().post("http://httpbin.org/post", "super-secret-password")
                    .content("text/plain", "Hello world")

 * A simple put request

auto put1 = Http().put("http://httpbin.org/put")
            .content("text/plain", "Hello world")

 * A simple delete request

auto del = Http().del("http://httpbin.org/delete")


  • libcurl
  • A compiler with C++11 support (GCC 4.8 and higher, Clang 3.4 and higher)
  • cmake (At least version 2.8.11)
  • gtest - for building and running the tests
  • json - as a helper in testing

Note: A vagrant file has been provided that will provision a Ubuntu14.04 box with all the pre-requisites. Just vagrant up then vagrant ssh. You will find the code in /vagrant directory inside the vagrant box.

Steps to build

  • cd build
  • cmake ..
  • make
  • make test (optional)


  • Fork the project
  • Make an addition or bugfix
  • Add test cases
  • Commit, then make a pull request (topic branches are recommended)