
Numerical Recipes in Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:t f:t *:t <:nil


This common lisp library was found in the sunet ftp repo, it is Common Lisp library of mathematical functions. and was inside of the cd-rom Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1

1.1 Disclaimer

This repository contains is a fork of the original numrecip developed by Bill Schottstaedt <bil@ccrma.Stanford.EDU>, a very nice man that contributed a lot of things in Common Lisp, the code was inside a mailing list so I only copy this file and have the following goals in mind:

  • Remove dependent libraries available from the Quicklisp repository
  • Re-factor code to support Quicklisp packaging
  • Organize code into independent systems based on functional category
  • Support for SBCL, CCL, LispWorks and Allegro Common Lisp
  • Improve documentation
  • Prepare test using Parachute
  • Integration and tutorial for analysing data using emacs and org mode

1.2 Package:


1.3 Summary:

Numerical Recipes in Lisp

1.4 Version:


1.5 Description:

This directory contains a variety of “Numerical Recipes” in Common Lisp, including Fast Fourier Transform, Bessel Functions, Gamma Functions, Beta Function, Factorial, Binomial Coefficients, Error Function, Legendre Polynomials, White Noise, Exponentially Distributed Noise, Gaussian Noise, Convolutions, Autocorrelations, Correlations, Discrete Fourier Transforms, Power Spectrum, Polynomial Interpolation, Polynomial Division, Numerical Integration, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Median.

1.6 Requires:

Common Lisp

1.7 Origin:

Mail from Bill Schottstaedt

1.8 Updated:

Fri Aug 26 17:16:08 1994

1.9 Author(s):

Bill Schottstaedt <bil@ccrma.Stanford.EDU>

1.10 Maintainer:

Antonio Juan Querol Giner <antonio.querol@cuaqea.com>

1.11 Keywords:

Lisp!Math, Math, Authors!Schottstaedt, Fast Fourier Transform, Bessel Functions, Gamma Functions, Beta Function, Factorial, Binomial Coefficients, Error Function, Legendre Polynomials, White Noise, Exponentially Distributed Noise, Gaussian Noise, Convolutions, Autocorrelations, Correlations, Discrete Fourier Transforms, Power Spectrum, Polynomial Interpolation, Polynomial Division, Numerical Integration, Mean, Standard Deviation, Median

1.12 References:

The functions were translated from “Numerical Recipes in Pascal” by Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vetterling, Cambridge Univ Press, 1989. All functions and variables retain the original names.