
This repo provides a foundation support for build or support Jahia features.

Primary LanguageJava

#Jahia DX Examples The purpose of this project is to collect all foundation examples needed to build a robust site in the Jahia DX platform.


###Example Action Use this module to understand how to properly define a Jahia Action.

###Example Authentication Valve Use this module to understand how to properly define a Jahia Authentication Valve.

###Example Externalize Log4j config Use this module to understand how you can dynamically load a Log4j additional configuration to use aside from the one defined in your application server

###Example Filter Use this module to understand how to properly define a Jahia Filter.

###Example JSP Tags and Functions Use this module to understand how to properly build a tag library and functions.

###Example Site Setting Use this module to standardize the implementation of Site Settings using AngularJS.

###Example Tools Use this module to understand how to implement a new page/view for the Jahia Tools. Note that this view will not be registered within the Tools menu, you will have to directly go to its URL.

###Example Workflow Use this module to understand how to implement a custom BPMN Workflow. A step-by-step tutorial available on Jahia's website show how to implement this workflow : https://www.jahia.com/community/extend/developers-techwiki/services/workflows/example