
Calendar app to create reminders using React & Redux with Webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Calendar with Reminders

Project is published using Github Pages: DEMO

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Here's what the Redux store looks like:

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The Project

The aim of this exercise is to create a demo calendar application using React & Redux with Webpack.

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Features & Requirements:

  • Ability to add a new “reminder” (max 30 chars) for a user entered day and time.
  • Display reminders on the calendar view in the correct time order.
  • Allow the user to select a colour when creating a reminder and display it appropriately.
  • Properly handle overflow when multiple reminders appear on the same date.
  • Ability to edit reminders — including changing text, day and time & colour.
  • Ability to delete reminders.
  • Expand the calendar to support more than current month.