
Elixir learning exercises

Primary LanguageElixir

Elixir Koans

Build Status

Elixir koans is a fun, easy way to get started with the elixir programming language. It is a tour of the most important features and idiomatic usage of the language.


To install Elixir, please refer to the official guide for instructions.

To fetch mix dependencies, run:

$ mix deps.get

On Linux, you'll need to install inotify-tools if you already haven't to be able to use the autorunner in this project.


With the dependencies installed, just navigate to the root directory of this project and run:

$ mix meditate

to get going. You should see the first failure with a blank line in it. The goal is to fill in the blanks and make all the koans pass by doing so.

To make the autorunner less noisy, you can start the koans with

$ mix meditate --clear-screen


We welcome contributions! If something does not make sense along the way or you feel like an important lesson is missing from the koans, feel free to fork the project and open a pull request.