- @author Ando Roots
- @licence Apache 2.0
- @created Dec, 2011
- @url: https://github.com/anroots/Mooditude
- @live: http://mooditude.sqroot.eu
Mooditude is a simplistic mood tracker focused on the individual. The system doesn't include a lot of "bang", but satisfies the basic need: creating a mood database over time.
Create a new database and drop the doc/database.sql file in there. The default user/password is test/test.
Copy Kohana Database config file from https://github.com/kohana/database/blob/3.2/master/config/database.php and replace relevant parts with your connection settings.
Modify application/bootstrap.php and replace the base url.
Modify index.php and point MODPATH and SYSPATH to correct paths.
Install Kohana Commoneer module
The original goal was to develop the API to enable a wide range of clients to interact with the service. One example is in the Python folder. Modify python/mooditude.py settings and place it (and the .sh) in ~/bin. Then all you need to do is write mooditude 6 and your status for today gets updated. The Python script is written for Ubuntu, Gnome 3 and has dependencies.
RESTFUL API and documentation
Visit: http://mooditude.sqroot.eu
User: test, Password: test