
List of Estonian top-level internet domains

Primary LanguagePython


On July 2019, the .ee Zone file was published. This project is a list of top-level .ee domain names, parsed from AXFR Zone file published by the Estonian Internet Authority.

The purpose of this project is to make available a clean list of .ee domain names, for easy usage by researchers who want to analyze the .ee domain zone.

Tsoonifaili avalikustamine aitab kaasa Eesti interneti arengule, võimaldab neid andmeid analüüsida, kasutada teaduses, uuringutes ja ettevõtluses ning arhiveerida olulisemaid veebilehti


See https://ee-domains.sqroot.eu/. The plain database files are also listed in public/lists/.

The lists are updated once a day. There is no SLA for the service availability or backwards-compatibility.


.ee zone file is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0. Hence, this derative work is licensed under the same license. See https://www.internet.ee/domeenid/ee-tsoonifail. Changes to the original list can be seen from GitHub history and transformation scripts.