
Angular and Meteor - The perfect stack

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Urigo/angular-meteor

The power of Meteor and the simplicity and eco-system of Angular


Documentation and Getting Started


Go to the official docs about Meteor-RxJS


If you are new to Angular and/or Meteor but want to learn them quickly, please check out our 14-steps Angular-Meteor tutorial.

Quick Start Using Angular-Meteor

   $ git clone https://github.com/Urigo/angular-meteor-base myApp
   $ cd myApp
   $ meteor npm install

Then run:

   $ meteor


Please read the contributing instructions at the contributing page.


This project started as ngMeteor, a pre-0.9 meteorite package. Since then a lot has changed but that was the main base.

Also, a lot of features were inspired by @superchris's angular-meteor fork of ngMeteor.