
A bare bones locative media server and client that lets users share their favorite places

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a web based server application that lets people geoblog.
Using a web browser you signup for an account on the server and can then create maps and posts that go onto maps.
You can also use a mobile client to talk to the web server as well if you wish (but that is a separate project).

This is licensed under MIT, BSD and GPL3 - pick your poison.

This application uses code from http://ushahidi.org, http://swiftapp.org, http://angel.makerlab.org and http://thingster.org.


This is a Ruby on Rails application.  You should have Ruby on Rails Installed.


1) This application relies on postgresql.
2) json-pure is erratic; you may have to comment it out in /controllers/application_controller.rb

You will need a variety of plugins including:

  gem install tsearch2 sanitize postgresql json-pure compass sass

Installation is similar to most Ruby On Rails apps.

1) Configure your config/database.yml file  [ see config/database.yml.example ]
2) Configure your config/settings.yml file to use your own keys for various third party services please
3) Optionally you can seed the system with data by typing "rake db:seed"


There are a variety of simple functions that you can do:

1) Sign up
2) Go to your home page
3) Create a map
4) Create a place
5) Sign out
6) You can grant yourself administrative privileges and you can see an administrative page at "/admin" as well.


See http://github.com/anselm/locative for more details