Boilerplate typescript development
All basic tools included and configured:
- NPM scripts operations.
- TypeScript 4.9
- ESLint
- Jest
- Prettier
- EditorConfig
- GitHub Actions
- Husky
- Commitzen
Create and start a new project
Use the following commands:
npx node-ts-base@latest <project name>
cd <project name>
npm run build:w
Available Scripts
- remove coverage data, Jest cache and transpiled files,prebuild
- lint source files and tests before building,build
- transpile TypeScript to ES6,build:w
- interactive watch mode to automatically transpile source files,lint
- lint source files and tests,prettier
- reformat files,test
- run tests,test:w
- interactive watch mode to automatically re-run teststest:cover
- run tests coverage,
Licensed under the APLv2. See the LICENSE file for details.