Test environment:

  • simulate a backend rest service to deliver mock data in json format with Json Server

data.json : contains the data which should be exposed by the rest api

  • a server-side proxy is used to call the json server instead of the backend server

proxy.conf.js: contains the proxy rules


  • install json server (if it is not already done)
npm install -g json-server


  • run json server in terminal
json-server mock/data.json --port 3010
  • set API_URL in environment.ts to http://localhost:4200/

  • run the angular dev server (with the proxy config) in terminal

ng serve -c local

Build and deploy the app in local:

  • compile the application to the dist folder
ng build

add --prod with the production settings

ng build --prod
  • install a web server lite-server (globally, if preferred)
npm install --global lite-server
  • run the web server in local
lite-server --baseDir="dist/enreg"