Develop applications with CDKTF

Lab system setup/prerequisites

  1. Install & run Docker.

  2. Run a local docker registry.

    We want the scenario to run without entering credentials, so use a local registry instead of Dockerhub.

    Based on docs/script at:

    Is it running?

    docker ps --filter name=local-registry


    Run local registry:

    docker run -d --restart always -p "" --name local-registry registry:2
  3. Install kind.

  4. Create cluster

    kind create cluster --name cdktf-app --config kind-config.yaml
  5. Save cluster config

    FIXME: Or just rely on default kubeconfig location. Will users care?

    kubectl config view --raw --context kind-cdktf-app > kubeconfig.yaml
  6. Attach local registry to kind's network.

    docker network connect kind local-registry
  7. Add configmap for registry.

    kubectl apply -f local-registry-configmap.yaml --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml

Lab scenario

  1. Install CDKTF libraries, CLI, and constructs (peer dependency)

    npm install -g cdktf-cli@latest cdktf@latest constructs@^10.0.0

Note: Final version is in app-final, or follow these steps:

  1. Create & go into the app directory.

    mkdir app
    cd app
  2. Initialize CDKTF app (starting from empty app directory).

    cdktf init --template=typescript \
               --project-name=learn-terraform-cdktf-applications \
               --project-description="Learn how to develop CDKTF applications" \
  3. Install kubernetes provider.

    npm install @cdktf/provider-kubernetes
  1. Add a Construct representing a Kubernetes Deployment.

    First, convert some example Terraform config (or read the cdktf/kubernetes provider docs).

    cat ../ | cdktf convert

    Note: Output needs to be tweaked before incorporating into code:

    1. Replace // define resources here in app/main.ts with new kubernetes.Deployment(this, name + "-deployment", { ... });.
      1. Change "myapp" to name + "-deployment" ^
    2. Add import import * as kubernetes from "@cdktf/provider-kubernetes"; to imports near top of file.
    3. Add import import * as path from 'path'; to imports near top of file.
    4. Remove extra [] from metadata.labels, spec.selector.matchLabels, and spec.template.metadata.labels in Deployment config.
      1. Syntax highlighting should show where errors are.
      2. FIXME: Is there a way to fix/work around this?
    5. Add k8s provider (above Deployment block).
      new kubernetes.KubernetesProvider(this, "kind", {
        configPath: path.join(__dirname, '../kubeconfig.yaml'),
  2. Synth

    cdktf synth

    FIXME: cdktf deploy always says it's synthesizing. When do we need to run cdktf synth first vs just cdktf deploy?

  3. Deploy

    cdktf deploy
  4. Show the pod

    kubectl get pods --kubeconfig ../kubeconfig.yaml
  5. Ask for four replicas in app/, redeploy.

    //          replicas: "1",
              replicas: "4",

    Deploy (will synth as needed):

    cdktf deploy

    Check (Should show 4 pods now, the new three younger than the first one):

    kubectl get pods --kubeconfig ../kubeconfig.yaml
  6. Convert the "raw" Deployment to a construct with a nicer interface.

    mkdir constructs

    Add new file constructs/kubernetes-web-app.ts:

    import { Construct } from "constructs";
    import * as kubernetes from "@cdktf/provider-kubernetes";
    export interface KubernetesWebAppDeploymentConfig {
      readonly image: string;
      readonly replicas: string;
      readonly appName: string;
      readonly environment: string;
    export class KubernetesWebAppDeployment extends Construct {
      public readonly resource: kubernetes.Deployment;
      constructor(scope: Construct, name: string, config: KubernetesWebAppDeploymentConfig) {
        super(scope, name);
        this.resource = new kubernetes.Deployment(this, name, {
        metadata: [
                app: config.appName,
                environment: config.environment,
            name: config.appName,
        spec: [
            replicas: config.replicas,
            selector: [
                    environment: config.environment,
                    app: config.appName
            template: [
                metadata: [
                    labels: {
                        app: config.appName,
                        environment: config.environment
                spec: [
                    container: [
                        image: config.image,
                        name: config.appName,

    And in constructs/index.ts.

    export * from './kubernetes-web-app';

    Back in app/main.ts, import construct near top of file:

    import {
    } from './constructs'

    And replace new kubernetes.Deployment(this, name + "-deployment", { ... }); with construct:

    new KubernetesWebAppDeployment(this, `${name}-deployment`,
      {image: "nginx:latest", replicas: "2", appName: "myapp", environment: "dev"}


    cdktf deploy
  7. Add a test.

    First, configure testing in new file app/jest.setup.js:

     const cdktf = require("cdktf");

    Create new file __tests__/kubernetes-web-app-test.ts.

    import "cdktf/lib/testing/adapters/jest";
    import { Testing } from "cdktf";
    import * as kubernetes from "../.gen/providers/kubernetes";
    import {
    } from "../constructs";
    describe("Our CDKTF Constructs", () => {
    describe("KubernetesWebAppDeployment", () => {
        it("should contain a deployment resource", () => {
            Testing.synthScope((scope) => {
            new KubernetesWebAppDeployment(scope, "myapp-frontend-dev", {
                image: "nginx:latest",
                replicas: "4",
                appName: "myapp",
                environment: "dev"

    Run tests from app/ directory.

    npm run test

    Now, watch the tests.

    npm run test:watch

    (Open a new tab to run further commands).

  8. Now, nginx:latest is runnning in your deployment, but it isn't accessible. Add a kubernetes Service configured as a NodePort to make it available on port 30001. In app/constructs/kubernetes-web-app.ts.

    Add interface for service:

    export interface KubernetesNodePortServiceConfig {
      readonly port: number;
      readonly appName: string;
      readonly environment: string;

    Define the new construct class.

    export class KubernetesNodePortService extends Construct {
        public readonly resource: kubernetes.Service;
        constructor(scope: Construct, name: string, config: KubernetesNodePortServiceConfig) {
        super(scope, name);
        this.resource = new kubernetes.Service(this, name, {
            metadata: [
                name: config.appName,
            spec: [
                type: "NodePort",
                port: [
                    port: 80,
                    targetPort: "80",
                    nodePort: config.port,
                    protocol: "TCP"
                selector: {
                app: config.appName,

    Now add a test to app/__tests__/kubernetes-web-app.ts.

    Update imports w/ service:

    import {
    } from "../constructs";

    And the test itself:

    describe("KubernetesNodePortService", () => {
      it("should contain a Service resource", () => {
          Testing.synthScope((scope) => {
            new KubernetesNodePortService(scope, "myapp-frontend-dev", {
              appName: "myapp",
              environment: "dev",
              port: 30001

    FIXME: Ideas for other things/ways to test?

    Check to make sure the test still pass in npm run test:watch command. (2 tests passed)

    Add service to app/ imports:

    import {
    } from './constructs';

    And use it right after KubernetesWebAppDeployment:

    new KubernetesNodePortService(this, name + "-service",
      {port: 30001, appName: "myapp", environment: "dev"}


    cdktf deploy

    Visit localhost:30001 to see nginx hello world page. Might take a minute or two before it's available.

  9. Refactor constructs into a SimpleKubernetesWebApp that includes both components.

    In app/constructs/kubernetes-web-app.ts:

    export class SimpleKubernetesWebApp extends Construct {
    public readonly deployment: KubernetesWebAppDeployment;
    public readonly service: KubernetesNodePortService;
    public readonly config: KubernetesWebAppDeploymentConfig & KubernetesNodePortServiceConfig;
    constructor(scope: Construct, name: string, config: KubernetesWebAppDeploymentConfig & KubernetesNodePortServiceConfig) {
      super(scope, name);
      this.config = config;
      this.deployment = new KubernetesWebAppDeployment(this, `${name}-deployment`,
        {image: config.image, replicas: config.replicas, appName: config.appName, environment: config.environment}
      this.service = new KubernetesNodePortService(this, `${name}-service`,
        {port: config.port, appName: config.appName, environment: config.environment}
  10. Add a test for SimpleKubernetesWebApp.

    Add import:

    import {
    } from "../constructs";

    And tests:

    describe("SimpleKubernetesWebApp", () => {
      it("should contain a Service resource", () => {
          Testing.synthScope((scope) => {
            new SimpleKubernetesWebApp(scope, "myapp-frontend-dev", {
              image: "nginx:latest",
              replicas: "4",
              appName: "myapp",
              environment: "dev",
              port: 30001,
    describe("SimpleKubernetesWebApp", () => {
      it("should contain a Deployment resource", () => {
          Testing.synthScope((scope) => {
            new SimpleKubernetesWebApp(scope, "myapp-frontend-dev", {
              image: "nginx:latest",
              replicas: "4",
              appName: "myapp",
              environment: "dev",
              port: 30001,

    Now update app/main.ts to use new construct instead of seperate ones.

    import {
    // KubernetesWebAppDeployment,
    // KubernetesNodePortService,
    } from './constructs';

    And replace the old constructs with the new one:

    new SimpleKubernetesWebApp(this, `${name}-frontend`, {
      image: "nginx:latest",
      replicas: "2",
      port: 30001,
      appName: "myapp-frontend",
      environment: "dev"

    Note: Bug? Unless we cdktf destroy first, we get the following error on cdktf deploy:

    [2021-10-04T13:08:41.453] [ERROR] default - ╷
    │ Error: Service "myapp-frontend" is invalid: spec.ports[0].nodePort: Invalid value: 30001: provided port is already allocated
    │   with,
    │   on line 108, in
    │  108:       }
    ⠹ Deploying Stack: app

    FIXME: If we don't get a fix for the above, workaround is to update the port to 30002.

    Watch: (Maybe start this earlier)

    cdktf watch --auto-approve

    Visit localhost:30001 to see nginx page. (Or :30002)

    Add an output, to constructs/kubernetes-web-app.ts.

    Add near top of file:

    import { TerraformOutput } from "cdktf";

    Add inside SimpleKubernetesWebApp's constructor({...});:

    new TerraformOutput(this, `${name}-frontend-url`, {
      value: `http://localhost:${config.port}`,

    FIXME: I haven't found a way to get cdktf to print the output more than once - the first time the config is deployed. It isn't output at all with cdktf watch, afaict. :(

  11. Deploy custom image.

    Visit frontend directory:

    cd ../frontend


    docker build . -t nocorp-frontend


    docker tag nocorp-frontend:latest localhost:5000/nocorp-frontend:latest

    Push (to local registry):

    docker push localhost:5000/nocorp-frontend:latest

    FIXME: Automate that^^ ?

    Use image in app/main.ts:

    new SimpleKubernetesWebApp(this, `${name}-frontend`, {
      image: "localhost:5000/nocorp-frontend:latest",
      // image: "nginx:latest",
      replicas: "2",
      port: 30001,
      appName: "myapp-frontend",
      environment: "dev"

    Back in app directory:

    cd ../app


    cdktf deploy

    (http://localhost:30001 - service might take a few seconds to deploy, but should now be terranomo)

  12. Build & deploy backend

    Visit backend directory:

    cd ../backend


    docker build . -t nocorp-backend


    docker tag nocorp-backend:latest localhost:5000/nocorp-backend:latest

    Push (to local registry):

    docker push localhost:5000/nocorp-backend:latest

    And add a new "app":

    new SimpleKubernetesWebApp(this, `${name}-backend`, {
      image: "localhost:5000/nocorp-backend:latest",
      replicas: "1",
      port: 30002,
      appName: "myapp-backend",
      environment: "dev"
  1. TODO:
    1. Deploy frontend/backend that talk to each other
    2. Fix messy naming strategy
    3. Notice when new image is deployed, and redeploy app
    4. Or is this something we should just enable in K8S?
    5. Deploy another "stack"
    6. Deploy app on public cloud