
Simple cordova plugin that returns if af Celluar Connection isFast or slow

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Cordova CurrentRadioAccessTechnology Plugin

Simple plugin that returns if af Celluar Connection isFast or slow.

Uses CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.currentRadioAccessTechnology

Based on http://www.codeitive.com/0iHVjkVgek/detect-carrier-connection-type-3g-edge-gprs.html


Clone the plugin

Create a new Cordova Project

Install the plugin

Edit www/js/index.js and add the following code inside onDeviceReady

    var success = function(message) {

    var failure = function() {
        alert("Error calling Hello Plugin");

    currentradioaccesstechnology.isFast(function(isFast) {
                if (isFast) {
                } else {
                    Ext.Msg.alert('Netzwerk', 'Bitte stellen Sie eine WLAN oder UMTS Verbindung her');
            }, function(error){

Install iOS platform

cordova platform add ios

Run the code

cordova run

More Info

Uses private API. Not for Appstore Releases

For more information on setting up Cordova see the documentation

For more info on plugins see the Plugin Development Guide