
R-Py notes from small group discussion of Indonesian Community-a biweekly data analysis introductions

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Introductions of R and Python for Data Analysis

The repository containts the collections of notes, summary, and other materials from each of RPyId's meeting. It is a twice a month meeting organized for local Indonesian community in Tokyo Institute of Technology to learn together about how to use R and/or Python for translating the experimental data. Most of introductory parts are inspired by lectures from The Carpentries. For advance participants, we can suggest implementations on some examples from Kaggle.

Tutors and Organizers

  1. Felix Salim
  2. Mia Fitria Utami
  3. Pande Putu Erawijantari



Notes collections for each meeting About file format in ./Notes directory:

  • .ipynb : generated by jupyter notebook, you can download/clone to run the code in your jupyter notebook
  • .Rmd : raw Rmarkdown file, you can download/clone to run the code in your Rstudio
  • .md : rendered Rmarkdown file into markdown format for easier reading


Participants are welcome to upload own project here. How to? (Let's update again with better organizations later)

  • Create directory with your name inside of ./Share_Practice
  • Organize your project inside that directory (notes, scripts, raw data are welcome!)
  • Share with others!

The raw live coding by tutor during the meeting also will be deposited here in the ./Share_Practice/Live_coding.

1stMeeting-Getting started with R and Python

Date: November 9, 2019

Time: 02:00 pm - 05: 00 pm

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes were placed at ./Notes/20191109_RPyID1st contains the introductions slide (by tutors Erawijantari and Felix) and notebook of live coding (by Jordy Trilaksono). Source of hands-on: http://swcarpentry.github.io/r-novice-inflammation/01-starting-with-data/index.html

2ndMeeting-Let's make it functional part 1: R series

Date: November 30, 2019

Time: 02:00 pm - 05: 00 pm

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes were placed at ./Notes/20191130_RPyID2nd contains the exercise for creating functions, applying functions to multiple datasets, and starting with dataframe for introductions to the next meeting.

3rdMeeting-Data is beautiful part 1 - Hello Tidyverse!

Date: December 15, 2019

Time: 10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes: ./Notes/20191215_RPyID3rd contains about introduction of tydiverse and hands on on data wrangling in R.

4thMeeting-Data is beautiful part 2 - visualizations with ggplot2: R series

Date: January 12, 2020

Time: 01:00 pm - 04: 00 pm

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes: ./Notes/20200112_RPyID4th contains visualizations of data from 3rd meeting using ggplot

5thMeeting-Statistical Fundamental: R series

Date: February 01, 2020

Time: 02:00 pm - 05: 00 pm

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes: ./Notes/20200201_RPyID5th (introductions of library for fundamental statistical inference in R)

6thMeeting-"Semi" Hackathon Session

This is the first trial of hackathon, thus we will call "Semi" Hackathon. Please read on notes about the hackathon format.

Date: February 24, 2020

Time: 11:00 - 18: 00

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes: ./Notes/20200224_RPyID6th

7thMeeting-Let's make it functional part 2: Python series

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes: TBA (Introductions of numpy and data wrangling with pandas, posibly a litle bit visualizations using searborn/matplotlib)

8thMeeting-Data is beautiful part 3 - visualizations with matplotlib and/or seaborn : Python series

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes: TBA (Playing with matplotlib and/or seaborn, we will use kaggle example here)

9thMeeting-Data explorations with Python

Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Venue: Midorigaoka 6 1st Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Notes: TBA (Mostly trial using scikit-learn).


  1. Introductions to UNIX and command line scripting
  2. Introductions to Git for code documentations
  3. Basic programing for genomic data analysis (overview and practice; probably 2 parts) : Life science outsider are welcome!
  4. ...
  5. ...