
Signalling server for WebRTC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web RTC Chat System


This project is an experiment to create a WebRTC chat system. Using SpringBoot to create Signalling server and ReactJS for frontend client. It supports multiple peers to chat.


To start locally

./gradlew bootRun

This will start server at http://localhost:8080, open it in two tabs and try messaging.

To run locally for testing: (assuming npm is installed)

  1. cd to webRTC-client package

    • run command npm install (you only need to this the first time or if you make changes to package.json)
    • run command npm start You should now have a local frontend server running at http://localhost:3000
  2. Start backend server separately, if you are using IntelliJ, just run WebRTCApplication.java

  3. Open Development Console of browser -- you should be able to see logs of messages

  4. Open another http://localhost:3000 in browser to create 2 peers for sending messages

Build JAR

In project root folder, run ./gradlew build in MacOS/Linux or just gradlew build in Windows


You can easily deploy it anywhere as you would deploy any regular SpringBoot app.

Its currently deployed at https://webrtc-viveksb007.herokuapp.com/


Feel free to checkout the project, submit issues and enhancement requests.