
An website for getting the high resolution astrononical images daily. The app uses the nasa api to get the fasinating space images with descriptiton. It also includes date search feature to fetch the data of specific day and date.

Tech Stack

Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript


  • default api call for fetching today's image
  • fetching data using date search
  • consist of advance css background animation.
  • mobile responsive

Base Sections

  1. HEADER- consists of error card which is displayed only when any error occured.
  2. MAIN- consists of all the data
  3. HEAD- Heading | Search Form | Search Button
  5. API-DATA - Image-data | Text-data
  6. FOOTER- consists of footer .

Color Reference

Color Hex
blue #4e54c8 #4e54c8
white #fff #fff
black #000 #000
gray #6c757d #6c757d
light #eeefef #eeefef
dark #1d1e20 #1d1e20

APOD API Reference.

Get item

  API_KEY oZE6pQiVQIdUnGScbcRkpcIkbi1luROq42MtbL3F
Parameter Type Default Description
date YYYY-MM-DD today The date of the APOD image to retrieve

Developer - Kritagya Singh Chouhan


Contributions are always welcome!