Starter code to replay data in a file as a stream. This code can only stream data on a single file in the local filesystem. You will need to write your own code to replay data from multiple files in HDFS using a similar logic. This code also assumes that the data in the file is in sorted order, which may not be the case with the twitter data set. Also note that the code being provided here was originally used for streaming data as part of the "“RIoTBench: A Real-time IoT Benchmark for Distributed Stream Processing Platforms" experiments. Hence there may be issues such as the first line of a file getting truncated (since the code considers it to be a header line). The aim of this code is just to give an overview of how replaying can be done while you figure out how to do it for the twitter data set.
Install maven and git. Following are the steps to run the code on your local system:
git clone
cd Replayer-Starter/storm
mvn clean compile package
You can then test the topology with the following code:
java -jar target/iot-bm-storm-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar <L|C> <Topology Name> </path/to/input/file> <Log ID> <Scale Factor> <path/to/log/dir> dummy test
where each option is as follows:
L|C - Stands for Local/Cluster. Use L when running the code on local system, and C when running on the cluster
Topology Name - Give a name to the topology. (The log file names will have the topology name added)
/path/to/input/file - The path to the input file. The file content should be a CSV as described here
Log ID - Unique ID that is used to create the log files (log file name uses this). Ensure this is changed each time you run the code so that a separate log file is created
Scale factor - A floating point value that is the inverse of the speed up that you require. If you want 100X speedup, then set this value to (1/100) = 0.01. For 10X set this to 0.1.
/path/to/log/dir - Path to directory where logs need to be stored
dummy test - Leave these arguments as is.
java -jar target/iot-bm-storm-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar L IdentityTopology /home/dreamlab2/newtestfile JSON-210 0.001 /home/dreamlab2/Desktop/log dummy test
The Input file to this code must be a CSV file with the following format:
Epoch Time, JSON Data
where the lines are sorted by Epoch Time.
A sample file is located here
Clone the repository onto the cluster. You need to make the following changes to storm/pom.xml before building and running the jar on the cluster:
diff --git a/storm/pom.xml b/storm/pom.xml
index 92373b0..105826a 100644
--- a/storm/pom.xml
+++ b/storm/pom.xml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- <mainClass></mainClass>
+ <mainClass></mainClass>
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
- <!--<scope>provided</scope>-->
+ <scope>provided</scope>
Then run the following while inside the storm
mvn clean compile package
Since the topology code can run on any one of the nodes in the cluster, we need to ensure that the sample input file and the log directory is a location that can be accessed from any of the nodes. Hence please ensure that you place the input file in /scratch on the turing head node and set log location to /scratch/topo-log. Also ensure that you pass the first argument as C and not L.
/opt/storm/apache-storm-1.0.2/bin/storm jar target/iot-bm-storm-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar C IdentityTopology /scratch/newtestfile JSON-210 0.001 /scratch/topo-log dummy test