
Productivity tracking and management app

Primary LanguageJava

Habits Pomodoro

A productivity tracking web app for learners and anyone who wants to build good habits and break bad once.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • SpringBoot
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Firebase


This app is inspired by techniques explained in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Basic Features

  1. Add a task of the habit you want to monitor.
  2. Start pomodoro timer.
  3. Add past pomodoro if missed to start.
  4. Check stats of the task.
  5. Check stats of all tasks in different time frames.

More Features

Let’s start exploring one by one, how features in this app can help you to follow the ideas mentioned in each chapter of the book.


  1. System: As days pass by, our daily routine tasks convert to habits. Hence regularly we build bad habits, automatically without any extra effort.
    • Now it is our choice to let the bad habits build or create a system to build good habits.
  2. Identity: To become the identity you wish for, choose role models and start adding their good habits.
  3. Freedom: We all want to achieve freedom in all aspects of life. We can do it by gradually building required habits.
    • Physical Health, Family and Relationship Fulfillment, Career Prosperity, Financial Satisfaction, Spiritual Wellness, Mental Strength

Make It Obvious

  1. Awareness: To create a Habit Scorecard add all your habits (tasks).
    • Update Task’s Habit Type: neutral, good, bad.
    • Later on once you have many habits to monitor, you will need easy access to habits and better visualization of stats. For that put them into separate Projects of different Project Categories. You can also group habits by Tags (daily, imp) for easy access.
  2. Types of cues: time & location
    • For implementation intention use Due Time (Also you can use option to repeat after #days).
    • To achieve Habits Stacking set same Due Time for stacked tasks.
  3. Context of Environment:
    • You can use task Notes to specify location or any other details.
  4. Invisible: Restrain intention
    • To avoid distractions due to bad habit, set Restrain Time after working hours ie. end of the day, and stick to it without fail.
    • Add notes for each violations.

Make It Attractive

  1. Temptation Bundling: Anticipation of reward.
    • You can always check the streak of good habits and streak of bad habits.
  2. Social Groups:
    • Figure out good habits in your social groups, add it as to be started habits.
  3. Repulsion Bundling: read books / blogs to reframe.
    • Add reframe reasons to task notes.
    • Set Daily Pomodoros Limit for a bad habit, then check the days of violations in task stats.

Make It Easy

  1. Number of times:
    • Streak of each task: showing number of days missed.
  2. Decrease friction: for good habits.
    • Map tasks to Daily Tag for easy access, which will also help to see stacked tasks in one place.
  3. 2 Minute rule: Ritualize the beginning.
    • For new habits Increase pomodoro length gradually.
  4. Increase friction: for bad habits.
    • Keep an eye on the streak of bad habits. Decrease the number of days spent on bad habits.

Make It Satisfying

  1. Immediate Reward:
    • Detailed and filtered Stats in different time frames of all habits.
    • Streak of tasks, projects and categories.
  2. Habit Tracker: Never miss good habits twice / Never repeat bad habits again.
    • Use streak in task stats for regular monitoring.
  3. Accountability Partners:
    • Allow Accountability Partners to collaborate using shared stats of selected project categories.

Advanced Tactics

  1. Exploit vs Explore: Once you feel your life is getting stagnant, start exploring finding good habits to add to your daily routine.
  2. Motivation: It is important to figure out good habits which are at the edge of your ability. Gradually it will help to build better and better habits.
  3. Reflect and Review: Don’t get stuck with your old habits. Reflect and review and make some tweaks when necessary.