
This App basically connects the people who need to get their work done, and the people who are capable of doing the specific work. This App will be working within different campuses, and is just a medium of connection, and no payments are made through this App.

Need any Logo for your Start Up? Any T-Shirt Design for your branch? Want to have a website made? Or any problems in your laptop that you can't fix? Or you need an editorial or a blog written professionally?

Post your requirements and your budget, and just wait and watch, people who have those skill sets will bid on your project, and will bid on your project, for a lower and more reasonable cost and higher efficiency of output. Choose the best person and Campus Lancer will provide you the contact details of the person, and this is how it serves as a bridge between the two people...

Similarly, the people willing to work can add their skill set in their profiles and get paid for working, what they are skilled at! This ensures a mutual benefit of both the parties, the hirer gets the job done nicely, and the worker gets paid!

For interested developers who wish to collaborate, we guarantee that the code is clean and clearly understandable, so fork and get started, send a pull request and then we'll see!