Google Certified Professional Cloud Developer

Official source:

Cloud Developer Learning Path

Exam Guide w/ Resources

Official source:

The following pages reproduce the official Exam Guide topics and augments them with links to relevant resources. The resources are broken down in to three categories:

  • Reading - text based resources, including official documentation, whitepapers and blog articles
  • Videos - video based resources, including recorded presentations
  • Tutorials/Labs - text based resources that include a set of instructions that the reader can follow to gain experience and practical experience.

What makes a good resource to include?

  • Link is still valid
  • Preference for official Google published content
    • There is lots of good third party content around, and I am happy to include links to it if warranted. However, I am working on the assumption that the likelihood of content going stale is much higher with 3rd party content than it is for official Google published content
  • There are lots of resources available on just about every topic in the exam. This set of resources loses its value if all they really do is reproduce the Google Search results for the various topics. Instead these resources should be curated and meet the criteria of being tightly aligned to the Exam Guide, cover what is considered required knowledge, and not repetitive.

Section 1

Designing highly scalable, available, and reliable cloud-native applications


Section 2

Building and testing applications


Section 3

Deploying applications


Section 4

Integrating Google Cloud services


Section 5

Managing application performance monitoring


Exam Exit Notes

Hot tips from those that have actually taken the exam - any themes or clusters of questions around certain topics, any must know topics etc.