- 0x63
- anonymuseNYC
- apmarshallRaft LLC
- azimutArgentina
- bdgscotland
- bdrenoUniversity of Colorado Boulder
- beejhuff@magento-hackathon
- blackstar257California
- brunoNSW, Australia
- dieterdemeyerBelgium
- dlapiduzWashington, D.C.
- ealtintas
- egrieco
- ElevateOpsElevateOps
- futoaseJapan
- garlandkr
- gs-ndacresGainsight
- harishbsrinivas
- jbrockettIn the Gibson
- jeremypruitt@waabi-ai
- jfindleyGoogle
- jrbingOrmond Beach, FL
- juliedavila@Earth
- kahunamooreCo-op Source
- maxikelLondon, UK
- openprivacy@CivicActions
- rmetzlerPotsdam, Germany
- roshanp
- sescobb27@appcues
- shortstackLimaCharlie
- struongpax
- TetragrammatonHermitn/a
- tima@ansible by Red Hat
- vicne
- wyaeldSimply Energy
- yfix