An Ansible AWX operator for Kubernetes built with Operator SDK and Ansible. 🤖
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Feature Request: Option to add label to Postgres PVC
#2023 opened by neevnuv - 0
The value of the variable ENGINE in the script is not passed to the docker-build and docker-push targets of the Makefile
#2021 opened by shellclear - 3
Request to Parameterize the client_max_body_size Directive in the Nginx Configuration for the Web Pod
#2013 opened by shellclear - 0
Easy Restore from local file system backup
#2019 opened by ahantke1 - 0
ERROR [-] project_update xxx (running) Post run hook errored. (OSError: [Errno 39])
#2017 opened by acsezen - 0
kubectl logs returns "Forbidden" on k3s with AWX Operator – cannot retrieve container logs
#2011 opened by nakayama1869 - 0
kubectl logs returns "Forbidden" on k3s with AWX Operator – cannot retrieve container logs
#2010 opened by nakayama1869 - 0
kubectl logs returns "Forbidden" on k3s with AWX Operator – cannot retrieve container logs
#2009 opened by nakayama1869 - 1
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Permission issues on /var/lib/awx/projects/
#2005 opened by fawzi-iit - 2
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AWX Upgrade to 24.2.0 failed with DB migration errors
#2001 opened by zpltn - 4
task and web replicas are scaled to 0 by the operator
#1960 opened by jdratlif - 2
Support for annotations on automation jobs
#1916 opened by pmcenery-bl - 5
Add postgres init container to resolve permissions for some k3s deployments: init container commands fail with permission denied
#1999 opened by kcjones91 - 3
Unable to Volume Mount in Playbook Execution Container
#1927 opened by advanceboy - 1
"public_base_url" should not have default value.
#1994 opened by goldyfruit - 3
AWX Deployment on RKE2 fails on k8s_info
#1978 opened by rmastersbun - 0
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Ansible AWX cannot install module in a runtime EE
#1989 opened by AlexM566 - 1
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AWX Job completes but shows as error
#1979 opened by mhegreberg - 1
Error: Wait for Database to initialize
#1966 opened by eholderbach - 1
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Helm chart missing
#1964 opened by jonathon2nd - 0
Restore leaves broken awx_task container
#1962 opened by gendergap - 0
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on fresh installation, "Create kubernetes job to perform the migration" is not performed
#1957 opened by yoonmin1030 - 2
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AWX ee_extra_env not working
#1948 opened by rsdoherty - 4
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failed to fetch : 404 Not Found
#1940 opened by hivagr - 1
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awx-ee:latest throws argument error
#1937 opened by macskay - 1
AWXRestore never ends
#1942 opened by klepiz - 0
Custom static values for Log aggregation in AWX
#1941 opened by Workasis - 1
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AWX Deployment on EKS with https using Kustomize
#1936 opened by stevechatten - 0
Error when upgrading to awx 24
#1931 opened by PWeverton - 0
Okta Idp SAML login failed: ['invalid_response'] (Signature validation failed. SAML Response rejected).
#1929 opened by kspradheep - 2
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Unable to Import Inventory File in AWX Operator
#1926 opened by j551n-ncloud - 0
awx_kube_devel /usr/bin/awx-manage does not exist
#1922 opened by fosterseth - 0
Accessing the awx web app
#1920 opened by skandarchahbouni - 2
Starting a new Job fails - unrecognized configuration parameter "idle_session_timeout"
#1915 opened by brigzzy