
Add private CAs to the containers

suukit opened this issue · 20 comments

to allow access to TLS sites using private CAs we need to add CA certificates to the AWX containers. Is there a native way to do so using AWX operator?

I used extra_volumes/ee_extra_volume_mounts to get crt files to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ but a run of update-ca-trust is missing. Is there a native way to accomplish adding own CAs?

Currently we got two use cases for that:

  1. fetching projects from GIT
  2. using the "uri" module in roles
    thanx in advance

This comment describes a couple of way to customize an execution environment. I do not have a first hand experience with the ansible-builder but simply deriving a docker image from the "official" EE (in combination with extra volume mounting) works for me.

@suukit could you please give a try with the changes noted on this branch

To make it easier for you, I've published this testing image at

So basically you can do the following steps:

  1. Update your awx-operator using this testing POC (see
$ kubectl apply -f
  1. Create a secret with all the bundle certificate authorities. See my example below:

note: the key must be bundle-ca.crt

$ cat Toca_ROOT_CA.crt  Toca_Intermediate_CA.crt  > /tmp/bundle-ca.crt
$ kubectl create secret generic  awx-ssl-ca-custom  --from-file=bundle-ca.crt=/tmp/bundle-ca.crt
  1. Once the operator gets updated, modify your awx kind to map the new secret
kind: AWX
  bundle_cacert_secret: awx-ssl-ca-custom

So before applying this patch, you should see:


$  openssl  s_client -connect git.tatu.home:443 

    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 604800 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 18 71 bb 56 c4 6d 89 64-d0 df ac 2d fa cc 45 1e   .q.V.m.d...-..E.
    0010 - c0 71 c4 ba 50 ee 91 90-da d5 fe 8e 5e d1 a1 00   .q..P.......^...
    0020 - 57 8c 77 3b 09 e9 d5 fe-25 24 d5 bf d7 fd 76 bc   W.w;....%$....v.
    0030 - 1e a5 77 1b bd 3c bb 9b-25 df 48 a5 07 91 40 3b   ..w..<..%.H...@;
    0040 - d0 28 de e7 c6 4c 3c 12-51 d8 a0 0f ae 38 7a 44   .(...L<.Q....8zD
    0050 - 65 03 9a ac a7 82 e6 6f-be 2f 68 6c 6e 4e 11 55   e......o./hlnN.U
    0060 - d9 a6 85 9a ee 81 cd 63-51 65 58 8a 38 30 61 c8   .......cQeX.80a.
    0070 - d0 91 0c 1a 96 2b 1d 6c-c4 67 2a cf a2 05 a1 a0   .....+.l.g*.....
    0080 - ad                                                .

    Start Time: 1623388039
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)   <--- oops
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0

After this patch, you should see:

awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Pending             0          0s      <none>          <none>   <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Pending             0          0s      <none>          p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Init:0/1            0          0s      <none>          p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Init:0/1            0          1s    p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     PodInitializing     0          2s    p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   4/4     Running             0          4s    p70      <none>           <none>


Furthermore, checking the container you should see the custom ca listed as trusted

(py39) mdemello@storm ~> kubectl iexec awx /bin/bash                                                                                                                                                                                     00:53:40
Namespace: default | Pod: ✔ awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9
Container: ✔ awx-ssl-ca-task
bash-4.4$ ls -la /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/bundle-ca.crt 
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4086 Jun 11 04:51 /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/bundle-ca.crt
bash-4.4$ trust list | grep -i toca
    label: TOCA ROOT CA
    label: Toca Intermediate Certificate Authority
bash-4.4$ openssl  s_client -connect git.tatu.home:443 

    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 604800 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 18 71 bb 56 c4 6d 89 64-d0 df ac 2d fa cc 45 1e   .q.V.m.d...-..E.
    0010 - 00 b2 67 b8 66 db 91 57-f8 85 92 e3 ef 61 4e 3f   ..g.f..W.....aN?
    0020 - 66 e2 64 01 45 b8 ab 7f-f8 84 7f 5e f6 2d e2 56   f.d.E......^.-.V
    0030 - d3 2c 4b 19 cb 93 19 74-c7 0b e3 7d 76 d8 cd f7   .,K....t...}v...
    0040 - 30 5a 87 23 27 34 d7 47-8e f5 c3 6c 41 81 7d 18   0Z.#'4.G...lA.}.
    0050 - 13 96 4e e7 76 3b 50 f0-fb 8d 9d df 4a 51 9d 36   ..N.v;P.....JQ.6
    0060 - 0e a9 1a 57 26 62 51 eb-f2 ec 24 56 93 5f 01 73   ...W&bQ...$V._.s
    0070 - 67 f5 a1 a7 38 e1 dc 5e-27 65 c6 24 f5 ff 2c dc   g...8..^'e.$..,.
    0080 - eb                                                .

    Start Time: 1623387247
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)    <----- yes
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0
read R BLOCK

bash-4.4$ git clone https://git.tatu.home/mmello/test-ansible.git
Cloning into 'test-ansible'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), 1.81 KiB | 928.00 KiB/s, done.

Please let me know if that worked for you.

@tchellomello : thank you, i'll give it a try

Works fine here, sorry for late feedback!

Does this solution work for WinRM CA certificates? I open an issue to awx, because i don't know if it is an operator or awx problem.

@tchellomello I'm not sure I get the full concept.
I have created de bundle certificate, I added it to my awx.yaml under "spec".
of course I made sure the secret was generetaed inside the awx namespace.
However in still unable to synchronize my git project.
You said to update awx operator in the first place with a version of yours. why should we need to update awx-operator in the first place?
I installed awx on minikube following the official documentation :

what am I missing here?

am I suppose to see new container after applying the freshly updated awx.yaml?

Thanks for your help

I tried above step in the solution however it is not working for me.
I edited the spec and added the cabundle and secret
kubectl apply
however the operator is not picking up the change.

Kindly help me how to add cabundle for existing and running awx instance. Thanks.

@suukit could you please give a try with the changes noted on this branch

To make it easier for you, I've published this testing image at

So basically you can do the following steps:

1. Update your `awx-operator` using this testing POC (see
$ kubectl apply -f
2. Create a secret with all the bundle certificate authorities. See my example below:

note: the key must be bundle-ca.crt

$ cat Toca_ROOT_CA.crt  Toca_Intermediate_CA.crt  > /tmp/bundle-ca.crt
$ kubectl create secret generic  awx-ssl-ca-custom  --from-file=bundle-ca.crt=/tmp/bundle-ca.crt
3. Once the operator gets updated, modify your `awx` kind to map the new secret
kind: AWX
  bundle_cacert_secret: awx-ssl-ca-custom

So before applying this patch, you should see:


$  openssl  s_client -connect git.tatu.home:443 

    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 604800 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 18 71 bb 56 c4 6d 89 64-d0 df ac 2d fa cc 45 1e   .q.V.m.d...-..E.
    0010 - c0 71 c4 ba 50 ee 91 90-da d5 fe 8e 5e d1 a1 00   .q..P.......^...
    0020 - 57 8c 77 3b 09 e9 d5 fe-25 24 d5 bf d7 fd 76 bc   W.w;....%$....v.
    0030 - 1e a5 77 1b bd 3c bb 9b-25 df 48 a5 07 91 40 3b   ..w..<..%.H...@;
    0040 - d0 28 de e7 c6 4c 3c 12-51 d8 a0 0f ae 38 7a 44   .(...L<.Q....8zD
    0050 - 65 03 9a ac a7 82 e6 6f-be 2f 68 6c 6e 4e 11 55   e......o./hlnN.U
    0060 - d9 a6 85 9a ee 81 cd 63-51 65 58 8a 38 30 61 c8   .......cQeX.80a.
    0070 - d0 91 0c 1a 96 2b 1d 6c-c4 67 2a cf a2 05 a1 a0   .....+.l.g*.....
    0080 - ad                                                .

    Start Time: 1623388039
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)   <--- oops
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0

After this patch, you should see:

awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Pending             0          0s      <none>          <none>   <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Pending             0          0s      <none>          p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Init:0/1            0          0s      <none>          p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Init:0/1            0          1s    p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     PodInitializing     0          2s    p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   4/4     Running             0          4s    p70      <none>           <none>


Furthermore, checking the container you should see the custom ca listed as trusted

(py39) mdemello@storm ~> kubectl iexec awx /bin/bash                                                                                                                                                                                     00:53:40
Namespace: default | Pod: ✔ awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9
Container: ✔ awx-ssl-ca-task
bash-4.4$ ls -la /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/bundle-ca.crt 
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4086 Jun 11 04:51 /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/bundle-ca.crt
bash-4.4$ trust list | grep -i toca
    label: TOCA ROOT CA
    label: Toca Intermediate Certificate Authority
bash-4.4$ openssl  s_client -connect git.tatu.home:443 

    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 604800 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 18 71 bb 56 c4 6d 89 64-d0 df ac 2d fa cc 45 1e   .q.V.m.d...-..E.
    0010 - 00 b2 67 b8 66 db 91 57-f8 85 92 e3 ef 61 4e 3f   ..g.f..W.....aN?
    0020 - 66 e2 64 01 45 b8 ab 7f-f8 84 7f 5e f6 2d e2 56   f.d.E......^.-.V
    0030 - d3 2c 4b 19 cb 93 19 74-c7 0b e3 7d 76 d8 cd f7   .,K....t...}v...
    0040 - 30 5a 87 23 27 34 d7 47-8e f5 c3 6c 41 81 7d 18   0Z.#'4.G...lA.}.
    0050 - 13 96 4e e7 76 3b 50 f0-fb 8d 9d df 4a 51 9d 36   ..N.v;P.....JQ.6
    0060 - 0e a9 1a 57 26 62 51 eb-f2 ec 24 56 93 5f 01 73   ...W&bQ...$V._.s
    0070 - 67 f5 a1 a7 38 e1 dc 5e-27 65 c6 24 f5 ff 2c dc   g...8..^'e.$..,.
    0080 - eb                                                .

    Start Time: 1623387247
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)    <----- yes
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0
read R BLOCK

bash-4.4$ git clone https://git.tatu.home/mmello/test-ansible.git
Cloning into 'test-ansible'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), 1.81 KiB | 928.00 KiB/s, done.

Please let me know if that worked for you.

I followed your instruction however after kubectl apply awx.yaml, I did not see the change and the cert is not populated in containers. Am I missing any thing here. Kindly help. Thanks.

Could some one guide me here.

Klaas- commented

Could some one guide me here.

add the secret


  - name: <resourcename>-custom-certs
      - bundle-ca.crt=<path+filename>
      disableNameSuffixHash: true

add the spec change:

  bundle_cacert_secret: <resourcename>-custom-certs

delete your awx instance, let the operator recreate it with the updated values

'delete your awx instance' . Would u pls give exactly steps for this operation ?

I tried it but no luck.

I created the resource file named awx.yaml with below content:

bundle_cacert_secret: awx-custom-certs =>awx is the resource name in my kubectl get awx/awx. hence used that name to prefix.

When I checked the operator log, it is running the specific Ansible task without any error, however Operator is not triggering the pod deployment for awx with changes.

Kindly advice.

@suukit could you please give a try with the changes noted on this branch

To make it easier for you, I've published this testing image at

So basically you can do the following steps:

  1. Update your awx-operator using this testing POC (see
$ kubectl apply -f
  1. Create a secret with all the bundle certificate authorities. See my example below:

note: the key must be bundle-ca.crt

$ cat Toca_ROOT_CA.crt  Toca_Intermediate_CA.crt  > /tmp/bundle-ca.crt
$ kubectl create secret generic  awx-ssl-ca-custom  --from-file=bundle-ca.crt=/tmp/bundle-ca.crt
  1. Once the operator gets updated, modify your awx kind to map the new secret
kind: AWX
  bundle_cacert_secret: awx-ssl-ca-custom

So before applying this patch, you should see:


$  openssl  s_client -connect git.tatu.home:443 

    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 604800 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 18 71 bb 56 c4 6d 89 64-d0 df ac 2d fa cc 45 1e   .q.V.m.d...-..E.
    0010 - c0 71 c4 ba 50 ee 91 90-da d5 fe 8e 5e d1 a1 00   .q..P.......^...
    0020 - 57 8c 77 3b 09 e9 d5 fe-25 24 d5 bf d7 fd 76 bc   W.w;....%$....v.
    0030 - 1e a5 77 1b bd 3c bb 9b-25 df 48 a5 07 91 40 3b   ..w..<..%.H...@;
    0040 - d0 28 de e7 c6 4c 3c 12-51 d8 a0 0f ae 38 7a 44   .(...L<.Q....8zD
    0050 - 65 03 9a ac a7 82 e6 6f-be 2f 68 6c 6e 4e 11 55   e......o./hlnN.U
    0060 - d9 a6 85 9a ee 81 cd 63-51 65 58 8a 38 30 61 c8   .......cQeX.80a.
    0070 - d0 91 0c 1a 96 2b 1d 6c-c4 67 2a cf a2 05 a1 a0   .....+.l.g*.....
    0080 - ad                                                .

    Start Time: 1623388039
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)   <--- oops
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0

After this patch, you should see:

awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Pending             0          0s      <none>          <none>   <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Pending             0          0s      <none>          p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Init:0/1            0          0s      <none>          p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     Init:0/1            0          1s    p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   0/4     PodInitializing     0          2s    p70      <none>           <none>
awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9   4/4     Running             0          4s    p70      <none>           <none>


Furthermore, checking the container you should see the custom ca listed as trusted

(py39) mdemello@storm ~> kubectl iexec awx /bin/bash                                                                                                                                                                                     00:53:40
Namespace: default | Pod: ✔ awx-ssl-ca-6cccf6577d-jzrk9
Container: ✔ awx-ssl-ca-task
bash-4.4$ ls -la /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/bundle-ca.crt 
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4086 Jun 11 04:51 /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/bundle-ca.crt
bash-4.4$ trust list | grep -i toca
    label: TOCA ROOT CA
    label: Toca Intermediate Certificate Authority
bash-4.4$ openssl  s_client -connect git.tatu.home:443 

    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 604800 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 18 71 bb 56 c4 6d 89 64-d0 df ac 2d fa cc 45 1e   .q.V.m.d...-..E.
    0010 - 00 b2 67 b8 66 db 91 57-f8 85 92 e3 ef 61 4e 3f   ..g.f..W.....aN?
    0020 - 66 e2 64 01 45 b8 ab 7f-f8 84 7f 5e f6 2d e2 56   f.d.E......^.-.V
    0030 - d3 2c 4b 19 cb 93 19 74-c7 0b e3 7d 76 d8 cd f7   .,K....t...}v...
    0040 - 30 5a 87 23 27 34 d7 47-8e f5 c3 6c 41 81 7d 18   0Z.#'4.G...lA.}.
    0050 - 13 96 4e e7 76 3b 50 f0-fb 8d 9d df 4a 51 9d 36   ..N.v;P.....JQ.6
    0060 - 0e a9 1a 57 26 62 51 eb-f2 ec 24 56 93 5f 01 73   ...W&bQ...$V._.s
    0070 - 67 f5 a1 a7 38 e1 dc 5e-27 65 c6 24 f5 ff 2c dc   g...8..^'e.$..,.
    0080 - eb                                                .

    Start Time: 1623387247
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)    <----- yes
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0
read R BLOCK

bash-4.4$ git clone https://git.tatu.home/mmello/test-ansible.git
Cloning into 'test-ansible'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), 1.81 KiB | 928.00 KiB/s, done.

Please let me know if that worked for you.

I am running into this issue. My setup is AWX K3S on Ubuntu server. This setup works fine but when I move this server to secure network environment I get "SSL: Certificate error" while I create a project and point it to get the project as ZIP file.

First I tried to follow this document and I tried the RootCaCert as .crt and .pem extension and still seeing same error. Any suggestion would be really appreciated. I tried copying root cert manually to awx-task pod but no good either.

I hope the below helps anyone else who is new to Kubernetes. I'll be extra verbose below.

Step 1
Get a cert bundle in PEM format. Put it somewhere on one of your Kubernetes control plane servers where you run kubectl commands from. This should have your custom enterprise cert inside amongst other certs like Verisign, Thawte etc. For example on my control plane server, all is rosy in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt so I'm just gonna lift that.

Also, just get the enterprise root CA on its own for the LDAP part, again in PEM format. I'll call it ldap-ca.crt.

We will use these later as secrets, called awx-custom-cert-bundle and awx-custom-cert-ldap.

Step 2
Create two Kubernetes secrets storing this cert bundle and the LDAP cert.
kubectl create secret generic awx-custom-cert-bundle -n awx --from-file=bundle-ca.crt=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

kubectl create secret generic awx-custom-cert-ldap -n awx --from-file=ldap-ca.crt=ldap-ca.crt

Make sure ldap-ca.crt is in the directory you're running the command from. Same for the bundle, if you're not specifying an absolute path like I did above.

Also note I am specifying the namespace with -n awx.

Step 3
Make a yaml file for the patch - I've called it cacert-patch.yaml. I'm giving full syntax not the irritating ...s you see elsewhere:

kind: AWX
  name: awx
  namespace: awx
  ldap_cacert_secret: awx-custom-cert-bundle
  bundle_cacert_secret: awx-custom-cert-ldap

Step 4
You should be good to apply this now: kubectl apply -f cacert-patch.yaml.

Step 5
Get pods in the awx namespace and kill them:
kubectl delete pod -n awx awx-operator-controller-manager-7d849d77f8-czpx8 awx-task-64f7fbcd89-ns95z awx-web-77c6b6cf87-46z29

Step 6
Restart the sync job in the AWX console (or whatever else you were trying to do):

I hope the below helps anyone else who is new to Kubernetes. I'll be extra verbose below.

Step 1 Get a cert bundle in PEM format. Put it somewhere on one of your Kubernetes control plane servers where you run kubectl commands from. This should have your custom enterprise cert inside amongst other certs like Verisign, Thawte etc. For example on my control plane server, all is rosy in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt so I'm just gonna lift that.

Also, just get the enterprise root CA on its own for the LDAP part, again in PEM format. I'll call it ldap-ca.crt.

We will use these later as secrets, called awx-custom-cert-bundle and awx-custom-cert-ldap.

Step 2 Create two Kubernetes secrets storing this cert bundle and the LDAP cert. kubectl create secret generic awx-custom-cert-bundle -n awx --from-file=bundle-ca.crt=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

kubectl create secret generic awx-custom-cert-ldap -n awx --from-file=ldap-ca.crt=ldap-ca.crt

Make sure ldap-ca.crt is in the directory you're running the command from. Same for the bundle, if you're not specifying an absolute path like I did above.

Also note I am specifying the namespace with -n awx.

Step 3 Make a yaml file for the patch - I've called it cacert-patch.yaml. I'm giving full syntax not the irritating ...s you see elsewhere:

kind: AWX
  name: awx
  namespace: awx
  ldap_cacert_secret: awx-custom-cert-bundle
  bundle_cacert_secret: awx-custom-cert-ldap

Step 4 You should be good to apply this now: kubectl apply -f cacert-patch.yaml.

Step 5 Get pods in the awx namespace and kill them: kubectl delete pod -n awx awx-operator-controller-manager-7d849d77f8-czpx8 awx-task-64f7fbcd89-ns95z awx-web-77c6b6cf87-46z29

Step 6 Restart the sync job in the AWX console (or whatever else you were trying to do): image

I just want to say a big big thank you for taking the time/effort to describe this process.
I was not sure on the exact process but you made it very easy.

Thank you again!

hi, does AWX operator support self-signed certificates ?