
JSON Formatter CLI

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Getting Started


go install github.com/ansidev/jsonfmt@latest


   jsonfmt - JSON Formatter CLI

   jsonfmt [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --color, -c               Enable color, only applied if the output is terminal. Default is false. (default: false)
   --debug, -d               Enable debug mode. Default is false. (default: false)
   --help, -h                show help (default: false)
   --indent value, -i value  Indent config. Format: '{indent_style}:{indent_value}'.
                             Indent style: w (white space), t (tab), s (string).
                             If indent_style is w or t, the indent value will be a number (indent size).
                             If indent_style is s, the indent value will be indent string.
                             Default indentation is 2 spaces. (default: "w:2")
   --minify, -m              Minify formatted json. These options will be ignored: -i, -w. Default is false. (default: false)
   --output value, -o value  Output path. Use this option if you want to save to file, by default the result will be printed to the stdout.
   --prefix value, -p value  Prefix is a prefix for all lines. Default is an empty string.
   --sort-keys, -s           Sort keys will sort the keys alphabetically. Default is false. (default: false)
   --width value, -w value   Width is a max column width for single line arrays. Default is 80. (default: 80)


Le Minh Tri @ansidev.


jsonfmt source code is available under the MIT License.