Pinned issues
- 24
Factory not generated sometimes
#58 opened by PaulWoitaschek - 5
Allow JsonQualifier with dynamic values
#60 opened by kukuhyoniatmoko - 7
JsonQualifier ignored
#65 opened by PaulWoitaschek - 3
Investigate reading Kotlin metadata annotation for constructor/property matching.
#46 opened by JakeWharton - 0
Generate Kotlin files rather than Java
#1 opened by ansman - 4
Add @Generated to generated types.
#66 opened by NightlyNexus - 8
Wildcard support for properties
#67 opened by andanicalik - 2
- 4
- 9
Implement JsonAdapter.toString.
#50 opened by NightlyNexus - 3
- 2
- 1
- 6
Generic type leads to invalid generated code
#41 opened by LouisCAD - 7
- 15
- 5
- 3
Treat String as a primitive.
#14 opened by JakeWharton - 0
- 0
Use NameAllocator for adapter fields, locals.
#20 opened by JakeWharton - 1
Incorrect description for downloading process
#13 opened by KR1sis - 3
- 8
Support default values
#5 opened by edenman - 2
- 2
- 4
NoSuchMethodError: com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName.reflectionName()Ljava/lang/String;
#4 opened by edenman