This repository contains a number of mini command line "apps" written using libigl.
Each xyz.cpp
corresponds to a command line program xyz
Convert between any libigl-readable mesh file format and any libigl-writable mesh file format. E.g.,
convertmesh input.ply output.obj
convertmesh /path/of/directories/until/folder/containing/mymesh.{off,obj}
Decimate a model using quadric error metrics simplification. E.g.,
decimate 0.1 input.ply output.obj
Merge triangle soup contained in a .stl
file into a triangle mesh (that can be
stored in .obj
etc.). E.g.,
mergestl model.{stl,obj}
Compute the set union, intersection, difference etc. of two meshes. E.g.,
meshboolean A.obj B.obj union C.obj
Compute statistics about a given mesh. E.g.,
meshstatistics input.obj
might output something like:
number of edges 108300
number of faces 72194
number of vertices 36178
number of dimensions 3
bounding box diagonal 2.58919
minimum angle 0.010265
maximum angle 3.10412
minimum area 2.3833e-07
maximum area 0.00557518
volume -0.126813
centroid_x -0.00521342
centroid_y -0.000764107
centroid_z -0.0351105
number of small triangles 41
number of small angles 0
number of close vertices 0
number of connected components 25
number of unreferenced vertices 0
number of handles -13
Euler characteristic 72
number of boundary loops 4
number of boundary edges 112
number of nonmanifold edges 47
number of conflictedly oriented edges 149
number of duplicate vertices 0
number of combinatorially duplicate faces 25
number of geometrically degenerate faces 0
number of combinatorially degenerate faces 0
number of intra-component self-intersecting pairs 513
number of self-intersecting pairs 2849
Resolve self-intersections in any libigl-readable mesh.
Scrub through a sequence/animation of meshes
scrubmesh first.obj second.obj ...
Hint: Hit P
to render all meshes from the current view to a
and then merge them into an animated .gif
convert -dispose 2 ./scrubmesh-*.png scrubmesh.gif
or into an .mp4
ffmpeg -f image2 -i ./scrubmesh-%06d.png -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -q:vscale 0 scrubmesh.mp4
Hint: On shell systems, to interleave two animations from different directories A/
and B/
you could use:
scrubmesh `(find A/*.obj | cat -n ; find B/*.obj | cat -n ) | sort -n | cut -f2- `
Visualize any libigl-readable mesh using the default libigl viewer. E.g.,
viewmesh input.obj
Located in precompiled/[system]/bin/
- For Mac OS X: precompiled/osx/bin
- For Linux (Ubuntu): precompiled/linux/bin
- For PC (Windows): precompiled/pc/bin
Follow the usual cmake build process:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make install
Just point cmake to install them there, e.g.,:
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../precompiled/osx
make install
Free for academic, non-commercial use. Contact Alec Jacobson about pricing for commercial usage.