
Meaningfully assign colors to map regions with constraints based on neighbouring regions' values.

Primary LanguagePython

Map Colorizer and Constraint Solver

Color map regions with constraints based on neighboring regions' values

animated solve

example colored regions

USA states colored based on Forest + Park + Grassland landcover percentage. Data source: USDA ERS - Major Uses of Land in the United States 2012

A twist on the four color theorem. This coloring algorithm solves the minimum number of colors needed to uniquely color a map if each map region must be meaningfully colored in relation to neighbors' attributes (population, landmass, forest cover, etc). The algorithm assigns colors to regions to produce a map without two identical colors touching. Download colorizedMap_XXX.png images to view example outputs coloring the USA based on natural resource features.

Guaranteed unique coloring (categories) with each region's color reflecting a qualitative comparison to the neighbors' values.

In the below example, adjacent regions are colored from dark -> light based on numerical value (greater->smaller).

example regions

This is a work in progress and more details will be added in the future.

I am currently using this algorithm in conjunction with DEM to STL pipeline at https://github.com/ansonl/DEM2STL to print all US states with rivers highlighted in a secondary color.

  1. Populate Shapefile geographic-data/cb_2019_us_state_500k/cb_2019_us_state_500k.shp with a value (ex: population, wildlife, landmass) for each feature/region in a column. QGIS or ArcGIS may be used to edit Shapefiles.

  2. Edit mapConstraintColorizer.py to use your values' columns.

  3. Run mapConstraintColorizer.py to generate image.

Compress animated algorithm solve GIF

  • Use gif2webp to convert to webp format with maximum lossy compression. 70 MB GIF -> 25 MB WebP
./gif2webp.exe ~/development/mapConstraintColorizer/geographic-data/animated.gif -o animate.webp -lossy -m 6 -q 0 -mt -kmax 0 -f 20 -mixed


  • All code in this project is free for both commercial and non-commercial use. Attribution to Anson Liu is required for commercial and academic use.