Skupper Self-Service Demo

Reset Demo Environment

  1. Run ./

  2. Show the Argo project that no namespaces exist

  3. Show the openshift console that the projects do not exist

  4. Navigate to the configured Backtage environment

  5. Create two openshift projects named

    1. skupper-proj1
    2. skupper-proj2
  6. Navigate to the argo and show the projects are now there

  7. Navigate to the openshift console and show that the projects are now present, then navigate to on of the project workloads and highlight that no workloads are running

  8. Create a skupper project with the following

    1. Project "skupper-proj1"
    2. Site "proj1"
    3. Empty linked sites
  9. Trigger the pipeline

  10. run skupper link status -n skupper-proj1 to show there are currently no links

  11. Create a skupper project with the following

    1. Project "skupper-proj2"
    2. Site "proj2"
    3. Linked site "proj1"
  12. Trigger the pipeline

  13. Navigate to the openshift console and show the skupper is now running

  14. run skupper link status -n skupper-proj1 to highlight the link is now established