
decentralized exchange using uniswapv3 contracts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Nexus is a web application built with Next.js and integrates with Blockchain using ethers.js. It allows users to:

  • Select input and output tokens
  • Enter the amount of input tokens to swap
  • See the estimated amount of output tokens received (based on current market prices)
  • Initiate a swap transaction (requires a connected wallet)


  • Supports multiple input tokens
  • Fetches price data from a liquidity pool contract
  • Provides a user-friendly interface for selecting tokens and entering amounts
  • Integrates with a wallet connector for signing transactions


This component relies on several external libraries:

  • react
  • next
  • antd (for UI components)
  • @ant-design/icons (for icons)
  • wagmi (for wallet connection)
  • ethers (for interacting with Ethereum blockchain)
  • react-toastify (for displaying notifications)
  • next/image (for displaying token logos)
  • bignumber.js (for handling large numbers)


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/anstormx/nexus.git
  1. Install the required dependencies:
npm i
  1. Build and start the project:
npm run build
npm run start


  • tokenList: An array of objects containing token information (name, symbol, logoURI, address, decimals)
  • SwapV1: The address of the swap contract (if using a custom contract)
  • liquidity: The address and ABI of the liquidity pool contract
  • v3pool: The ABI of the V3 pool contract
  • dai, link usdc, weth: The ABI and address of minted ERC20 tokens