Winter School QSB 2018

Didactic materials for the :

Winter School on Quantitative Systems Biology: Learning and Artificial Intelligence | (smr 3246)


  • Rules of accessing help
  • Installation instructions (below)
  • References to books, papers and websites
  • Jupyter notebooks

Team formation

We warmly encourage to form small teams of 3-4 persons. We will not assign exercises that require extra work outside the hands-on sessions, and neither the team work nor the individual work will be evaluated. Anyway it will be a more entertaining experience if you work in small teams. Everyone of us has different backgrounds, experiences and viewpoints, and we encourage diversity of approaches, even in a context of very basic exercises like the ones we prepared. Try to self-organize teams composed by persons with different cultural experiences, country of origin etc. It will be a more rewarding experience for everyone !

Basic rules of problem solving

These are a few common sense basic rules to solve problems and asking for help. These rules are valid for example in the ordinary administration of forums of discussion on math and statistics topics such as

and many others.

These rules are not written but are always applied. A version which is specific for our hands-on session is in the following :

  • if it doesn't work look into the documentation

    • man pages (Linux)
    • python documentation (ex. on a Jupyter cell evaluate ?function/module to access help, or ??function/module to access code)
    • from the Internet (online documentation, forums etc.)
  • if this either doesn't work look for help from your colleagues

  • if this doesn't work either call one of us, there will always be some of us going around ready to help

  • if this doesn't work either ... (ok it should not happen very often !)

In any case the most important rule is the following :

  • do not get stuck more than a few minutes (say 5-10 depending on the problem) in trying to solve things by yourself !

Installation instructions

The exercises will be presented using Python3 and Jupyter notebooks. For convenience, we have prepared a virtual machine running Ubuntu with all the requirements.

Here are the instructions to make it work on your laptop:

For those of you who already have Python3 and Jupyter on their own laptop we attach a file with all the requirements that can be installed using pip install -r requirements.txt under Python3.