- 0
- 0
Accept Ansys student version as normal version input (i.e. ``242`` instead of ``-242``)
#1526 opened by RobPasMue - 1
Subtract operating , creates more number of bodies that are not associated with the actual body
#1539 opened by agvarghe - 1
- 0
- 2
- 2
- 2
Allow for picking directly from component level
#1498 opened by RobPasMue - 2
- 3
Example proposal: For Solder ball modeling
#1350 opened by agvarghe - 23
How to use the modeler with geometry service
#1453 opened by emjn2 - 0
Add ...Ability to create solids from disjoint sketches
#1362 opened by agvarghe - 0
Creating Quarto cheat sheet
#1429 opened by RobPasMue - 1
- 0
Add color support on the Linux service
#1383 opened by RobPasMue - 3
- 5
Ansys Discovery 24R2 not opening file ``.dsco``
#1330 opened by RobPasMue - 1
Avoid failure on requesting tessellation
#1398 opened by RobPasMue - 1
The ApiServer Add-In seems to be missing
#1438 opened by 912-Dinu-TeodorGabriel - 1
SpaceClaim is always opened in Parasolid mode.
#1439 opened by Alberto-DM - 1
Export to pmdb fails
#1432 opened by rmanno91 - 4
Add server exit to del operator and finished process
#1415 opened by dkowollik - 3
Plot/tesselate not working on geometry
#1329 opened by StefanThoene - 1
add Parameters to Tesselate() method
#1328 opened by StefanThoene - 5
No error message, if the file format is not supported
#1388 opened by dkowollik - 7
Add pretty print component tree
#1402 opened by dkowollik - 0
TODO tracklist for longterm items
#1319 opened by RobPasMue - 1
Retrieve designs easily
#1400 opened by RobPasMue - 0
- 5
Export to .pmdat fails
#1295 opened by greschd - 2
- 3
Rhino file version error not clear
#1380 opened by dkowollik - 2
Incorrect point connectivity in sketch /
#1349 opened by JimmyHe0527 - 0
Remove deprecation warnings on version 0.8.0
#1359 opened by RobPasMue - 0
Use Python 3.10 and above typehint styles with beartype
#1346 opened by RobPasMue - 0
Revolve Operation Fails When Sketch Plane Origin Aligns with X, Y, or Z Axis
#1309 opened by agvarghe - 0
Ploting of shapes such as circles, spheres etc
#1334 opened by agvarghe - 1
- 2
STEP curve import depends on 'import_points' option
#1318 opened by greschd - 0
Volume extraction exposure
#1305 opened by smereu - 2
- 1
Bug located in arc_from_start_end_and_radius
#1304 opened by agvarghe - 0
Migrate to using ruff as linter
#1272 opened by RobPasMue - 0
- 3
- 0
- 5
Weird issue when requesting body plot
#1249 opened by RobPasMue - 6
Create a conda recipe to publish to conda-forge
#1229 opened by RobPasMue - 1
- 5