Pinned issues
- 39
Failed scheduled build
#3674 opened by github-actions - 1
Incomplete plots fails when nodes are selected
#3782 opened by germa89 - 1
Provide analysis completion rate
#3780 opened by iazehaf - 1
Enable asynchronous execution and status check
#3779 opened by iazehaf - 0
Average test time on CICD
#3752 opened by germa89 - 0
Low performance code
#3764 opened by germa89 - 0
Error in `*get`
#3757 opened by germa89 - 0
Consider tracking containers memory usage
#3751 opened by germa89 - 1
[ROADMAP] HPC support
#3732 opened by germa89 - 2
PyMapdl to cluster
#3712 opened by mcMunich - 1
Pool testing fails quite frequently while respawning
#3735 opened by germa89 - 2
CICD testing fails on XPL module
#3714 opened by germa89 - 0
- 0
#3740 opened by germa89 - 0
Garbage collector does not kill MAPDL
#3692 opened by germa89 - 2
Implement `*PYTHON`
#3656 opened by germa89 - 0
Implements ``
#3696 opened by germa89 - 0
Implement "What's new"
#3734 opened by germa89 - 1
Multistage docker building system
#3653 opened by germa89 - 0
Decouple `ansys-math` from `ansys-mapdl-core`
#3644 opened by germa89 - 0
Avoid `mapdl.amesh` in `mapdl.aplot`
#3613 opened by germa89 - 1
Remove ``attrs`` from whitelist packages
#3625 opened by germa89 - 1
Spaces not allowed in strings in MAPDL
#3718 opened by germa89 - 0
Numpy shape is not mantained during import/export
#3717 opened by germa89 - 0
Add links to MAPDL in Unsupported section
#3675 opened by germa89 - 0
Error in calling HARFRQ command
#3722 opened by fellobos - 3
launch_mapdl - ram
#3724 opened by nekajcasa - 0
Fail to assign element of numpy array to mapdl parameter
#3715 opened by koubaa - 6
- 0
Tests teardown is very slow
#3707 opened by germa89 - 0
`requires_package` is very slow
#3706 opened by germa89 - 0
Outdated documentation
#3704 opened by germa89 - 2
Allow `None` for XSEL commands
#3660 opened by germa89 - 0
`timeout` argument is not passed to `SendCommand`
#3701 opened by germa89 - 0
`save_selection` is very slow
#3695 opened by germa89 - 1
Teardown raises exceptions
#3685 opened by germa89 - 3
- 2
Use MAPDL memory limitations on CICD
#3691 opened by germa89 - 0
- 0
Add `__len__` method to `mapdl.components`
#3661 opened by germa89 - 0
Running `mapdl.parameters` leads to extra console output
#3655 opened by koubaa - 0
Error parsing components when there are many
#3652 opened by germa89 - 1
Python3.10 user warning
#3654 opened by koubaa - 0
New ubuntu version (24.04) breaks CICD
#3658 opened by germa89 - 0
Node/Element selection commands returning selected IDs
#3635 opened by moe-ad - 0
Retrieve applied loads on FE model
#3622 opened by germa89 - 5
CICD tests get stuck very frequently
#3591 opened by germa89 - 0
MAPDL redirecting console output to a file
#3595 opened by germa89 - 0
MAPDL 25R1 does not exit properly on Windows
#3616 opened by germa89 - 0
[MAINTENANCE] Support for Python 3.13
#3600 opened by pyansys-ci-bot