- 1
use generated colors in less file
#34 opened by gabrieltong - 1
#90 opened by pkaq - 0
upgrade 7.0.1 incompatible
#88 opened by Raywh - 8
grey doesn't match the documentation
#39 opened by samking - 0
跟进 antd@5.x 的预设色彩变化
#83 opened by Airkro - 1
color 等单词用的是美式英语,但发现 灰色(gray) 一词用的是英式的 grey
#80 opened by ETRick - 0
#79 opened by TangWenZERO - 6
- 2
main dependencies @ctrl/tinycolor 3.X is not support ie 11, maybe should change ?
#71 opened by 405go - 1
Cannot find module './generate'
#65 opened by 5argon - 0
How to use white with this library?
#53 opened by iloveip - 2
Data viz color documentation
#50 opened - 19
- 6
- 6
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is breaking the build 🚨
#47 opened by greenkeeper - 5
- 22
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is breaking the build 🚨
#24 opened by greenkeeper - 22
- 1
#37 opened by yiluyanxia - 1
- 1
- 1
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is breaking the build 🚨
#17 opened by greenkeeper - 1
- 1
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is breaking the build 🚨
#12 opened by greenkeeper - 1
- 1
- 0
tinycolor edge case
#10 opened by yuqianma - 0
- 4
generate proper neutral colors
#3 opened by varemenos - 1
Error: Can't resolve './generate'
#8 opened by oschade - 1
License file or statement
#4 opened by panjiesw - 1
after installed ant-design-palettes, I find that this package has not index.js but not index.test.js
#5 opened by TeAmo-Zss - 0