🥳 Efficient react components for building dapps easier | Connect crypto wallets and more Web3 UI components | Web3 icons | Supports Ethereum, Solana, Bitcoin, TON, Sui and others.
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[Bug] useAccount can not find type
#1175 opened by LCJove - 0
[Feature Request] 首页功能介绍图适配暗黑模式
#1165 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 0
[Feature Request] Demo for support USDT pay
#1166 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 4
[Feature Request] SIWE signMessage demo
#1107 opened by LCJove - 2
讨论 wagmi 配置的最佳实践:
#919 opened by jeasonstudio - 4
[Bug] WalletConnect showQrModal 为 true 时,出现两个弹窗
#982 opened by jeasonstudio - 0
[Feature Request] onConnected support multi address
#1114 opened by LCJove - 3
[Bug] 未配置 EIP6963 的情况下无法检测到 MetaMask 的安装状态
#1123 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 0
[Bug] ConnectButton gap style bug
#1148 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 1
课程的 wagmi adapter 使用的方式改为新的方案
#1137 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 3
[Bug] Solana无法获取到已连接的钱包地址
#1132 opened by liuqiandev - 2
[Feature Request] Add Aptos icons
#1136 opened by gin-lsl - 2
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[Bug] 暗色主题 CryptoInput 组件 按钮文案不显示
#1124 opened by kiner-tang - 1
[Bug] token theme affects modal style
#1118 opened by LCJove - 1
[Bug] "Try it out" demo style bug in dark mode
#1120 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 1
[Feature Request] 钱包为空时添加占位图
#1060 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 0
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[Bug] TON wallet missing wallet download address
#1071 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 2
[Feature Request] Support TON (The Open Network)
#1008 opened by AmAzing129 - 0
[Bug] 自定义样式下信息弹窗中按钮可能会溢出
#1033 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 1
[Bug] web3 icons 部分组件名会有遮挡
#1050 opened by thinkasany - 0
[Feature Request] Support Tron
#1051 opened by Likang0122 - 0
#1041 opened by miaoxn - 1
[Feature Request] say something
#1040 opened by Nargoodahdeslee6 - 1
[Bug] The width is not correct when the ConnectButton is set to quick connect.
#1035 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 0
[Bug] Primary ConnectButton text color error
#1032 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 0
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[Bug] ConnectModal style bug in dark theme
#1023 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 3
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[Bug] 移动端下官网样式有问题
#966 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 0
[Bug] 钱包列表渐变区域样式有问题
#992 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 0
[Bug] connect modal 宽度太小时样式有问题
#989 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 3
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[Bug] 移动端官网中文链接跳转错误
#968 opened by jrr997 - 1
[Feature Request] 什么时候开发vue版本
#969 opened by far310 - 1
[Bug] @ant-design/web3-solana在vite项目中报错 Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined
#938 opened by qvvvvq - 0
[Bug] When there's a footer, the height of the ConnectModal needs to be optimized.
#925 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 2
[Bug] Get wallet btn overflow
#918 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 2
[Bug]Connecting logo need to adapt base64 img
#896 opened by gin-lsl - 1
[Bug] ProfileModal style bug
#905 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 1
ledgerhq/error has some bugs.
#904 opened by OmAnand857 - 0
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[Bug] Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs' when using bitcoin package in next.js
#878 opened by AmAzing129 - 2
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[Bug] When hovering over the QR code icon, the plugin button should not be highlighted.
#860 opened by yutingzhao1991 - 0
[Bug] web3-icons 摇树未生效
#857 opened by gin-lsl