
⛓️ Implementing a decentralized Blockchain key-value store.

Primary LanguagePython


The objective of this project is to implement your own decentralized Blockchain key-value store.

This project is a requirement to pass the course. It must be completed and submitted with all deliverables to the Montefiore submission system by the hard deadline of December 21, 2018 23:59.

You are allowed to implement the project by yourself, or in groups with a maximum of 3 students.


You are tasked with the implementation of a distributed key-value store. This data system should provide a service to store key-value pairs while guaranteeing their persistence and integrity, i.e. such that the historical content of the key-value store cannot be altered by any third party.

Your architecture should be designed around three main components:

  • a top-level store component that interfaces with the user-level application. The top-level API should provide the following methods:
    • put(key, value): Stores the value with the associated key.
      • If a value for key already exists in the store, then a new version of the pair is created with the value value.
      • Please make note of the fact that the put operation doesn't necessarily delivers after it has been completed. It may therefore be a good idea to add a callback procedure (or a different mechanism) that is called whenever the key has been added to the system, or if a failure occurred.
    • retrieve(key): Searches the store for the latest value with the specified key.
    • retrieve_all(key): Retrieves all values historically recorded in the store for the specified key.
  • a blockchain component that takes care of the decentralized and persistent storage.
  • a broadcast component for communication between nodes.

Additional requirements:

  • Your system should run in a distributed and decentralized fashion, on multiple machines.
  • The store should be resilient to (one or multiple) faults.
  • Your implementation must be able to handle conflicts.
  • In your blockchain implementation, proof of work should have a parameterizable difficulty level.
  • Your broadcast implementation should be sufficiently reliable while remaining efficient (pick wisely).
  • You must provide a bootstrapping procedure for new nodes joining the network.

Beyond this coarse structure, you are free to design and implement this project in any way you consider appropriate.

Coding guidelines

  • Code should be in Python, with a proper modular implementation.
  • Style, documentation and unit tests will be evaluated.
  • You can bootstrap your project from the stub provided in /code/. You are free to modify, remove or extend any part of it.
  • We recommend network communication to be implemented through a REST API, in order to simplify development.
  • Provide instructions and code for running your implementation of the key-value store, as well as for reproducing all experiments and results (including plots, if any).
  • Do not over-engineer. We expect a working proof-of-concept, not a full fledged professional solution. Prefer simplicity over complexity.


Your project must comes with a written report (in PDF) that includes:

  • A detailed description of your general architecture, its individual components and their interactions. Specify clearly your set of assumptions.
  • A discussion of the consequences and scalability of your broadcast implementation.
  • A discussion about the applicability of a blockchain to this problem.
  • An experiment demonstrating the resistance of the key-value store against faults.
  • An experiment showing the transaction throughput with respect to the difficulty level.
  • An experiment demonstrating a 51% attack by rewriting an older version of a key.

Experimental results should all come with a critical discussion.